Monday, July 21, 2014


Kolut is a small village, 5 miles from the  Austrian border and 15 miles from the Croatian border.  I believe I am related to most of the town...almost everyone I meet is a Meric (remember, my Grandfathers side).  My grandfather was 1 of 8 kids- 3 went to America and one returned back here.  The other 5 never left Serbia.  I am learning who's who in my family tree, as my family here is very proud of the long Serbian lineage, prodding me to know the same.  I drew up my own who's on first, with the intention of completing a Meric family tree.  Initially it was very confusing and definitely overwhelming.  Big family with long roots and branches... I was concentrating on my mother's fathers the way I don't know a darn thing about my biological father's family at all- what a pity- as they are from Serbia as well.

Dushan shows Bubba his farm and garden....

Most of the homes have gardens and some animals in the back yard.....just like my cousin and his Mom, Jelena, have...thanks for the fresh cherries Dush.

Bubs is loving the backyard....

Here a chick there a chick....must be a family thing..

Pleep disappeared for hours....a mud bath was a must.

Jelena watches Bub do the shoe shuffle...

Ok now you must meet our cousin Miki and see his Zoo.  His Zoo?
Zoo Vrt Miki
Miki Meric started the zoo in 1988.  

He has worked at his zoo for over 25 years without a day off.  
Yep you heard that right.  How is that possible?  No wife, kids or distractions and an obsession with his animals.  Miki is quite the legend in this area.

Claus Nigge, is a German photographer for National Geographic and author of several articles and books.  Claus was visiting Miki and his animals the day we were there.  The Zoo is in Dushan's hood.  

I mean right in the middle of the other homes.  Miki has 3 homes on 7 hectares housing his animals.  Claus is fascinated with Miki's birds.  Bubs and I are equally fascinated with the total scene.  Wow!  I took over 100 pictures that day...of which 97 disappeared into cyber-space- thank you very much IPAD limitations and operator error.  Grrrr.

Claus visits the US annually (National Geo's headquarters is in  DC) and his favorite winter spot is Sanibel Island- up the road from Bubba and Boca's Naples home.     An invitation was extended to Claus and accepted.  Claus' work is exquisite....

I asked Miki about his 2 bears- had one ever escaped?  

"Yes".  How did you get it back?  "I walked down the road to find her and she followed me back".  OMG.  What did the neighbors say?  Nista- nothing.  I asked what the neighbors thought about his zoo in the middle of the residential area- he said they don't complain.  I then asked neighbors- they feel honored and love it there.  After all, most of them are related.

We visited another one of Dushan's friends/relatives, Milan Meric.  

More schlivotz and stories.  He said his father was imprisoned in Dauchow for 1 year (1944-45).  His weight dropped to 90 lbs.  Nikola Meric (the father) witnessed cannibalism while in Dauchow.  Point being many Serbs suffered and were killed during those times....

We also had the opportunity to meet his 2 children, Nina and Milos.   What a delightful young lady and young man.
Both are in college and their English is excellent, so I had a chance to stop waving my arms and stop talking so loudly....and using my mother's favorite communication trick.  She would use an English word and add ala to the end of it.  For instance "telephonala".  The cousins remember this and laugh about her inventive way to communicate.  More of that Serblish.

Sombor...a small town down the road
My gray hair roots needed dying, and no sign of a beauty shop in Kolut, so cousin Dushan's daughter made an appointment for me in Sombor.  I walked into the beauty shop and the young gal pointed out the selection of hair color . "Pick any one of the 4 colors available Miss Boca"...since I wasn't interested in Romanian Red or Bulgarian Burgundy or Serbian Orangina or...well, you get the picture.  I decided I could live with my silver roots for a few more days.  Hideous as they looked, I figured purple hair might be worse.

In the meantime the guys checked out Sombor's square...
Somber is a town 10 or so kilometers down the road....this pleasant,leafy sort of place with an attractive central square reflects a leisurely pace of life...or not many job opportunities?  I can see how the town's name is reflective today.  The town's original name was St. Michael's- 1340- and as like many of the places we have visited fell to the Turks during the Ottoman Empire.  Then those Hapsburg's  showed we have seen again and again.
Bubs, Dushan and Milan check out what is happening around town...

Since I renegaded on my hair appointment, I asked if there was a computer store in town?  Yes of course.  Let's check it out...perhaps we can give Dush some hints about getting rid of his antique and I mean antique computer and upgrade.  Success.  

Now we are looking for a worthy tech museum where he can donate his old one.  "Ah,  Dushanka (that would be Boca's new name- to fit in the family of many Dushan's, Bubs and I joined the fray...Bubs is now a Dushan and I am now a Dushanka), no museum necessary.  We have a cousin down the road who will love the unique antique".  Alrighty then.

We meet Milan's, sweet new Grand-baby and proud parents at Dushan's daughter's, Milka and Mileva's B and B...

more Death by those Cevaps.  Boca never met one she didn't love.   The gals know how to chef it up.  The meal was over the top delish and a feast for the eyes.

While sitting there we hear the TV and the next thing you know there's a 1 hour documentary about Miki and his Zoo.  Go Miki!

Milka and Mileva are the hardest working young ladies I have ever met.  As a matter of fact they are opening up another "Pizzeria" and To Go restaurant (more of a carry out)...good luck ladies.  Dushanka knows you will hit it out of the park with another successful venture!!  I am sure all of your American cousins are proud of you.