Tuesday, July 1, 2014


One of Budapest's famous exports- the former Miss Hungary1936- Zsa Zsa Gabor.  She was "discovered" in Vienna and don't forget about her sisters, Magda and Eva.  Zsa Zsa has enjoyed 9 husbands and is still living in Beverly Hills- at 97!  This Hungarian once commented "I am a marvelous housekeeper.   Every time I leave a man, I keep a house."  No Hungarian Goulash for this Hot Hungarian!

Familiar with the Hapsburgs by now, in 1867, the dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was formed- only second in size in Europe- Russia being the first.  This era witnessed impressive economic development- that is if you were a noble...the old capital Buda was united with Pest, creating the new metropolis of  Budapest.

Hungary's current borders were established by the Treaty of Trianon after WWI (1920)- when the country lost 71% of it's territory and 58% of its population.  Then post WWII, Hungary came under the influence of the Soviet Union, which contributed to the establishment of a 4 decade long communist dictatorship (1947-1989).   Not to be forgotten is the 1956 uprising of the Hungarians against the soviets- after much loss of life they were defeated.  In time they became known as the happiest barrack within the Eastern bloc.  If they were the happiest, who was the saddest?   In 1989, Hungary again became a democratic parliamentary republic and love attracting over 10 million tourists a year.  So long Goulash Communism!

During this stint of our Tauck tour, Bubs has been renamed "Buda" and Boca has been aptly named "Pest".  Buda was here in the mid 70's when he worked for Henry Kissinger's detail.  Hey Buda- has it changed?  "Looks pretty much the same to me".  Nah, so while they have been "free" for 25 years they only joined the EU in 2004.  Good point...

BOEDAPEST....known to us as BUDAPEST
is the capital of Hungary with 1.7 million people living in this most glorious city.  It is incorporating more immigration into it the city than out migration.  The metro area is about 3.3 million.  The Danube divides Bude from Pest.  Budapest has architecturally noteworthy buildings in a wide range of styles and from distinct time periods- from ancient times -as Roman City of Aquincum in Obuda to the most modern Palace of Arts (kinda looked like a casino at night).  

We toured the Pest side of the town...one of the most important sights is Andrassy ut.  This Avenue is an elegant 2 mile long tree--lined street that covers the distance from Deak Ferenc ter to the Heroes Square.  By the way the commies changed the name of Andrassy to the "Peoples Republic Street" and thankfully restored back to Andrassy in 1990.  As usual a World Heritage Site- 2002.  

And here we are at Heroes Square....

Bubs is digging the macho Magyars...

This iconic statue complex- featuring seven chieftans of the Magyars also includes the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and host to many political events.   Hey Boca, I think I see some of your friends....

Hey Boca,   where have you been????  We haven't seen you since......

Boys will be boys...Pleep hops on for a  quickie good time.

Old and old made hip...not talking about Bubs- it's the building.

and some very modern.....

Bubs, time for our Parliament private tour.  Do you think they'll mind if the Pleepster tags along?  Let's get him off the beer wagon....

Yup, looks pretty parliamentty to me...

Located on the Danube the "Palace of the Parliament"  aka Hungarian Parliament Bldg is a notable landmark and popular tourist destination.  Tauck has arranged a private tour for us on Sunday morning.  Bubba reminds Pleep to mind his p's and q's...or heads will roll-commie style.

No problem Pops.  Did you know this is the largest and tallest building in Hungary?  It took 40 million bricks, 500,000 precious stones and over 88lbs of gold to put this crib together.  Today the gov uses only a small portion of the building....so what do they do with the rest???  This is the Assembly Hall of the House of Maggots.  No Mr. Pleep this is the House of MAGNATES!

And there are 10 interior courtyards, 29 staircases and 691 rooms.  And the guard reminded the Pleepster to stick to the tour and don't even think about messing with the Holy Crown and Jewels...

Well all I know is this, Boca, they took the Commie star from the top of the building in 1990.  Hooha!

And all this Parliamentarying around has made me hungry...let's get dropped off at the "NAGYCSARNOK" aka "Great Market Hall".  Wading through corridors packed with vibrant fruits and vegetables while the wide central aisle features meat.... 

...the scents and sounds are wash over a person and rattle your taste buds...

anybody for some lard??  fried or sautéed??   

The Pleepster convinced the butcher to dress up his pig for a little shenanigans, Pleep style...

Boca appreciates Hungarian delicacies, such as foie gras...

And Bubs enjoys the fraction of the price found back home- yes Bubs, 2 caviar, 2 foie and 2 and 2 and 2 of....they're practically giving it away Bubs!

Walking the streets and experiencing the stunning architecture, lively Gypsy music and amen to the civic progress ya gotta enjoy Budapest.  These folks have experienced repression from when the Magyars stormed across the land and most recently by the Soviets...over 70 years of under the thumb and the fall of the iron curtain opened up a whole new world to these Hungarians.

Tons of UNESCO World Heritage sites.  Magnificent buildings constructed during 15th- the 19th centuries.

After a rigorous and splendid time at the market let's stroll back to the boat...hey why are those shoes on the bank of the Danube??


This moving memorial is to honor the 60 people who were rounded up in 1944 by the Ruling Arrow Cross Party and forced these Jews to strip naked and face the Danube.  They were shot by a firing squad so they fell into the river and washed away.  Yes history has been made in Budapest for numerous  positive and negative reasons.    This stunning memorial causes one to reflect.....