Tuesday, July 15, 2014



Yep, there is Oliver (Antic) with His Royal Highness in front of the Supreme Leader Karadjorje Tomb in Oplenac, last year,  at the ceremony marking Serbia's Statehood Day.  Yes, of course they know each other quite well.

His Royal Highness Prince Alexander

His father, King Peter II, left the former Yugoslavia to establish a government in exile in 1941 in London.  His pals- America and London- threw him under the bus and shifted their loyalty to the communist partisans.  Why?  Prince Alex was born in London in 1945- still deprived of his Yugoslav citizenship and their property was confiscated as well.  He spent his life abroad (worked in Chicago, London) and married Princess Maria de Gloria of Spain and had 3 sons.  He divorced in 1985 and a couple years later married a most fabulous Greek, Katherine.   Together they came to Serbia in 1991 and actually worked with the democratic opposition against Milosovich- Hail to the King!  In 2001 they received their citizenship and their property was returned.  Hello Royal Palace- "Dvor".  HRH obviously believes in a constitutional monarchy, which is also church supported by the way.  It is said "the King is above daily politics, he is the guardian of national unity and protector of public interest".

Per HRH, "I appeal for the end of continuous wrongdoing, division and arguements'.  Amen to that Prince.

Bubs suggested that he order some of these...

Can the Serbs overcome their historical vacuum (during communist times)?  What do the people of Serbia think of the monarchy and do they want it reinstated??  It's about 1/3 for it, 1/3 against it and 1/3 indifferent.  Do the Serbs opt for the familiar and not the future?  How can they step up as a democratic citizen coming from years of oppression?  Will it take generations to breed the old way out?

It was interesting to notice when they did get their freedom they continued to vote for some communists for leadership roles....typical of all of the eastern block countries by the way.  Are they looking for a "personality"?  They had a transformational leader, Djindjich , and assassinated him in 2003.  I have asked several what was the after math and what were their feelings?

So how does the monarchy fit in today?  Are the Serbs ready to take responsibility for themselves?  Rather than looking for a "Daddy"?  Read that as years of communism.  Or could a "Daddy" King help them through the transition to a free and clear democracy that works?  The Prince has a terrific biz background and many world wide connections in the business community....why not put it to use Serbia?  Why block what he brings to the table with your inane bureaucracy amongst other talk of Chicago style corruption?  Come on people, they are legit claimants to the throne and are very decent hardworking people.  Why not use all of the above to  your advantage?

Don't forget that when that darling tennis boy wins, someone is waving a Serbian flag with a crown on it.

Bubs and Boca wish them much success in the future, as I am sure the recent past 10 years have been trying for them....getting Serbs to focus, organize and work together is kinda like herding cats.  Good luck Prince and we all thank your wife Katherine for the OUTSTANDING CHARITY work she does for your country and may I say, second to none.  Thanks for the invite to the ol' hacienda.  God Bless you both for all that you do for Serbia.

Bubs, couldn't resist a little taste of a little of taste of his old days.....my little James Bond.

St. Mark's Serbian Orthodox Church

Built in 1940.  The inside not complete...well at least the commies left it alone.

Yes, Bubs I'd love that Icon....
I hope one day they finish the inside to match the magnificent outside...
Bub, the Orthodox convert.

Another crypt.....

On The Hunt for Some Icons...
Where's Boca and Pleep?  Taking 5 at the hotel "cafe"....
Oh, this aught to be good after a couple glasses of wine....I'm am sure she will want to buy one of everything....thank God they don't ship, so if she can't carry it we ain't gettin it....at least that's what I'm thinking....

Cap the day off with a Pizza and cold beer... still light at 8pm.  Love it.  Oh and where can we buy another suitcase???