Recently, I had the opportunity to hear and meet Patricia Schultz the author of "1000 PLACES TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE".  Talk about a dream job- traveling the globe and sharing your experiences and point of view.  I bought her first book, 1000 PlACES TO SEE IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANDA BEFORE YOU DIE" in 2007.  Patricia's work inspired me to get my wish list started.  I told her I blame her for my blogs.

Curious, I "asked" my son to tally up the check marks in the book to figure out how many places we had visited.  After 2 hours of arguing about the task (Mom, why do I want to waste 30 mins of my life giving you a number for you to obsess about, talk about, write about and other foolishness?).  I pointed out he could have completed the requested task rather than continue to argue about it.  Must be some of his fathers DNA rearing it's head.  Ha.  Certainly, ol'Mom could have done it quickly but ol'Mom thought he might actually learn something from the tally exercise as our son has NO WANDERLUST.  Unlike his sister, who always has a bag packed, passport up to date and ready to go.  Experiment was a bust.  Tallying up 429 of the 1000, Patricia admonished,  "Finish your list Boca!"

She recently did a 2nd edition which has 200 new destination in 28 countries.  Way to go Patricia- go global!  Her college roommate, from Georgetown University,  lives in Naples so she really likes visiting our sunny village.  This Manhattanite also enjoys walking around Manhattan-  "In the end, the number of miles covered has nothing to do with the real pleasures of travel- the inherent beauty of the world and the discovery it promise are all around us."

Patricia was a captivating speaker- only got through 1/2 of her material.  I said, "YOU MUST COME BACK AND FINISH THE PRESENTATION. YOUR BED IS READY AT CASA DUH COLLINS".  So I suggested to my CIRCUMNAVIGATOR CLUB speaker chair- let's get Patricia to speak to our club.  Good suggestion Boca.

Some of you are getting the new book with her special wishes to you as a little somethin somethin from yours truly.  It looks like Boca will be looking for new partners to hang with to satisfy her wanderlust...wearing ol'Bubba out and all.

Not only did Boca buy the new book, she also BOUGHT THE APP for her IPAD!!!  A first.  Yes, I will be trying my new IPAD to blog and not drag around that Engineering size MacBook Pro.  I am still shaking and nervous...will that little mini piece of electronics handle my blog work?  Time will tell.