Sunday, July 13, 2014



Here we are at the crossroads of southeastern and Central Europe.  They are the 7th largest in population of the European Union.  Formerly the Kingdom of Romania, like their neighbors, they were occupied by the Soviet Union after WWII...after switching sides.   Jewish Holocaust victims totaled more than 280,000, plus another 11,000 Gypsies.  And voila, becoming a People's Republic through 1965.  In 1965 Nicolae Ceausescu became general Secretary of the Romania Workers Party, eventually becoming the Romanian Communist Party.  Hello Big Chief and his never ending fraudulent elections.   The Romanian Secret Police rule- communist state terror.  Well the Big Chief was actually not big,  rather a short guy with a big Napoleon complex.  More about him later....his authoritarian government was toppled in December 1989 during the Romanian Revolution.  Bravo!

The population is 20 million plus and the capital is Bucharest.  The Constitution of Romania is based on the Constitution of France's fifth Republic.  Huh?  In Oct 2003 they approved 79 amendments to their Constitution, bringing it into conformity with European Union legislation.  We dock the boat and head over to some sea side-Black Sea- touring.

Wow, quite the port.  Modern and bustling.

We walk around town and the sea ....huge difference from Bulgaria.  Certainly, the largest port on the Black Sea helps make the economy flourish.  The people are very different from the Serbs, Hungarians and the Bulgarians.  Huh?  Why is that?  Their Latin background Boca...hello who putt the Rom in Romania?  Yes those pesky' Romans from the empire  The folks are very much like the Italians in nature and demeanor.  It was founded around 600 BC by the Greeks then the Romans took over in 71.  The Roman Emperor renamed the city in honor to his sister Constantine.  The name was shortened during the Ottoman era.  During the 13th century, Italy, especially Genovese merchants, dominated the Black Sea and Constanta flourished...only to decline 2 centuries later under Turkish rule.

Proud of archaeologic finds...a museum is built...hey Bubba what's down there?  Looks like a bunch of broken tile to me Boca.  No honey, those are Roman Mosaics.

The lady guard has a green thumb...more or less?

The museum, is on 3 levels and was once in the upper town to the harbor.  Bub checks out the mosaic and boulders...looks like something you can buy at Home Depot.  No Bubba those are called archaeological vestiges.

More vestiges?

They have done a heck of a up, modernizing.  What is going on around here??

Oh joy, another church.  But Bubs this one is Orthodox.

Beautiful St. Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral was constructed in Greco-Roman style between 1883 and 1885.  The Church was severely damaged during WWII and was restored in 1951.

The interior murals display a neo-Byzantine style combined with Romanian elements in the iconostasis and pews...and chandeliers and candle sticks and more...

Quite the busy port...during the first half of 2008, some 3144 new companies were established in Constanta area.  The Port of Constanta is the largest on the Black Sea and the fourth largest in Europe.  Same idea with it's shipyard.

The Black Sea is clear and beautiful...during the 19th century King Carol 1 revived Constanta as a port and seas side resort.  The city is now an important cultural and economic center and close to the beach resorts.
Yes that was the old Casino...more ruins.

Hello seaside resorts and tourists...Mamaia or Miami Beach?

Who knew?  This Black Sea coast line is Miami Beach plus.  It lies on a strip of land about 5 miles long and only 328 yards wide- in between the Black Sea and Lake Siutghiol.  We stopped here for a lovely lunch and a walk on the beach and Boca's visit to the

The hotel we had lunch at is owned by a "famous" Romanian football player in Mamaia.  The Ruskies moved on and capitalism took over.  Clean and great ocean breeze.  Ol' Boca spent her afternoon at the beauty shop doing road repair.  Interesting sitting next to Burqua Babe from Iraq.  And she's here because???  Family from Louisiana on cruise with us, making us feel at home with all the texting....Pleep enjoyed the youngins.   Finally a break from the silver hair set.

  Oh so Miami Beach....

Romania's oldest and largest resort.  Yep, that's a gondola sky ride over the beaches, water park , hotels and more....Pleep couldn't get enough of it.  After a ride, some water park sliding he headed over to the beach to check out the action...

His reputation preceded him....the Romanian babes just ogled over him as they were used to using his Love Monkey sun screen...of course he volunteered to spread it on.  His proud Pop enjoyed every minute of it, of course.