Tuesday, July 1, 2014



It is the Episcopal see of one of the 4 Catholic archbishops of Hungary.
Founded 1135- and we came here because???

Arch Bishops Library
"Oh, this sounds exciting", moaned Bude.

150,000 volumes of partitives, codices, incunabula and bibles- in Latin, German and French- don't forget the medals and coins too Bude.  Archbishop Kolonics (don't even go there) mandated that all books of the priests should be inherited by the AB's Lib.  How's that for some mandation?

only to be followed up by an organ recital... Bude's snoring was louder than the organ...

Only to be topped by a visit to the PAPRIKA MUSEUM........

Seeing old pap tools and watching a how to DVD helped us become paprika growing aces- and  we are here because?

How much can one say about Paprika?  1001 Things To Do With Paprika....the hot Hungarian (pun intended) had Bude's attention.

Never mind Pest, there will be a test.  The Hottie said if I had my picture taken with the jumbo fake Pap it would count as extra credit.

GEEEEEEEEEEEEESH, enough with the paprika already.

WINE TASTING- Yeah, that's more like it.  Or is this a cover for communion?

We are 88 miles south of Budapest and we stopped here because??

St. Orbin- Patron saint of wine producers.

This might not be so bad after all Pest....more fun than a barrel of monkeys?  And speaking of monkeys', where did that monkey go to?

A nice family operation in a village/vineyard where everyone has a "press house" bringing new meaning to a basement wine cellar.  But alas, Screaming Eagle has nothing  to fear...but maybe Gallo and their Muscato does....

And the best part of the day was the young Hungarian vintner who can also play the accordion...do remember that was Pest's childhood instrument as well.  He was  cute as the dickens and had a lot of fun with  Pest teaching him some Serbian bar tunes .....we don't even want to know what the heck Pleep taught him!

Sorry to say nice people of Kalocsa-  WHY IN THE HECK DID TAUCK BRING US HERE????

Pleep brought back a little wine cup a la Kalocsa for his pal Jocko.  Jocko is our most wonderful room attendant and doesn't complain about the Monkey mess the  Pleep leaves for him daily...everyday Pleep poses Jocko with questions, such as:

Can you cry under water?

Why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts?"  Where's the extra penny going to Jocko?

Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours?  For gosh sakes Jocko, they're both dogs!

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

And most importantly Jocko, why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemmoroid when it's in your butt????!!!!