Saturday, July 19, 2014


Father, Thank You for each and every day You have blessed us here on earth.  Thank You for Your tender mercies.  Thank You for giving us friends and family to share these Internet blog joys with.  I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Where there is joy, give them continued joy, where there is pain; give them your peace and mercy.  Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence.  Where there is need, fulfill their needs.  Bless their homestead, families, finances, their going out and their coming ins . . . Amen.

My cousin, Dragan, picked us up to drive us to Sabac to meet with cousins from my grandmothers side of the family-Lalich clan.  Then onto Golubica for more of the same.  We bid "dovidgena" to old Belgrade and it's 2 million inhabitants. Bubs remarked that Boca must be related to half of them. On Boca's next visit- and it won't be 42 years away- she insists that the dilapidated and uncared for buildings be renovated, cleaned up and painted.  It would be a sign that the economy is underway.  Boca understands from the "people and family" that it has been very difficult to make ends meet.  Many appear "resigned" to the political corruption and bureaucratic BS- almost a hopelessness in their eyes and voice.  Although the sidewalks and streets were packed every evening, the city known for it's wild nightlife, was subdued.  Boca, my husband and I and our child live with my parents in an apartment.  We both are Univ. grads but must work 3 small jobs to make ends meet.  There are no good jobs here...."  My heart aches for these hard working educated people....all dressed up and no where to go.  Boca suggested that they get involved politically-take a stand, make a stand- but not a taker to take that challenge....more resignation about the way it is.  Shout out to Pres N and his team-knock it off (poor choice of words over here?).  Give your people opportunity- take the steps necessary to get in the EU, open for business and commerce.  For example, rigorously reach out to global business to come and open shop and invest in the "New" Serbia.  Reduce the ridiculous paperwork, never ending commie and archaic rules to open and run a business, the thievery, the infighting of the bureaucrats....make this a business friendly country.  They will come.  My Serbian sisters and brothers are smart and hardworking.  I beg you to rise to the occasion and give them a chance.  They don't need Daddy.  They just need a chance for true freedom.  God Bless Belgrade and Serbia.  Enough of my soap box.  TBC.

First stop- Orthodox Church, St. Vasilje Ostrog, in "Novi Belgrade"-wow has Novi (yes that means new) grown up.  This part of the "city" is west of the Sava River- a post war appendage that serves as a location for Belgrade's "5 star" hotels- with a mixture of office buildings and residence.  This is the place- I saw 42 yrs ago, built outside the city center to house displaced people in commie apartments.  It was quite the concrete jungle.  Now, the apts. are still there but they have added shopping centers, movie theaters etc.  It looked like the area was on the upswing at one time- building high rise modern office buildings and more.  The dreary grey commie condos stand tall and beat more graffiti please.  These grim monoliths and the Roma shanty town that clings haphazardly alongside the railway tracks do their best to dispirit me.  I envisioned a lively waterfront with a gazillion business opportunities...but no.

But what had Bubba's attention was the packed church- with "young" people- 20's-40's.  Standing room only.  Pleep points out that Serb churches don't have pews, so duh, everybody has to stand.  This new church was built in 1996-completed in 2001- with donations made by the church goers and devotees of St. Vasilje of Ostrog- a miracle worker. It was a joy to attend this service with the young packed in there.  If they attend church, surely there is upcoming miracle?

More cousins....this time, my Baba's (meaning Yia Yia or Grandmother)  side of the family-Lalich.  This city is in western Serbia, along the Sava River with a population of 70,164 peeps.   And like most of the geography in Serbia, the Ottomans were here too.  And the home of the second Serbian Uprising as opposed to the 5, 15th or 20th.  And you know the story, on to the People's Republic of Serbia- go new socialist Yugoslavia.   Now a part of the new new Serbia, the main industries include agriculture, transpo and food production.  Hello Cousins... we hugged, drank coffee, smoked cigarettes (when in Rome) and talked about how life occurs here.

A stop at St. Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church to pray for the living and the dead...this beautiful church was built in 1831.

Branko and Millica are brother and sister and my first cousins.  We remarked to each other that we hadn't changed a bit....42 years later.  Serbian Salesmanship?

Branko still young at heart...lovin those motorbikes and horses, as always...

They lost their sister Mirianna in 2007, and for me she was dearly missed at our mini reunion.   I look forward to seeing her son next week.  We laughed about my college visit to the village of Sabac.  It seems much bigger with some lively small city action.

Bubs and the gang check out the and old.

Uncle Vlad, why can't I have a horse!!!

Millica's son, Vladimir, is a doctor- OBGYN as well as his lovely wife, Alexandra, is a family practitioner.  And their young son, Andrje,  is certainly a brainiac.

Millica's second son, Branimir, is a local sports caster of sorts- kinda a one man band for all Sabac.  His lovely wife is in the PR business and their son Boris, keeps them running.

Another Serb lunch...more meat and don't skimp on the Cevaps!

It was great to be together and we wish Vlad and Alex (previously a refugee from Bosnia, by the way) the best, as they prepare and take their exams for the German Medical Board...although he has practiced for the last 10 years in Sabac they are moving to Germany with hopes of a "better" life and a bigger opportunity for their oh so smart son.  Best wishes cousin and thank you all for such a fun and delightful afternoon!

Next stop Golubinci-WHICH CAME FIRST?
Ah, more cousins.   Back to grandfathers side-Merich...  Maria lives here with here son Oliver and they have quite the Chick operation.  Her daughter Sonja visited us in Boca a few years back.  She is working in Egypt at the moment so we sadly missed seeing her...did you say Egypt?

But we had the opportunity to meet her brother Oliver and learn all about the family chicken biz.  

Bub lusted over Oliver's Russian tractor....
This was a first for Boca....

The chicken jokes are endless....knock it off Pleep.

Pleep joined in on the clucking...
Oliver is going hi tech chic op.....

Dear Mitzie and Chris set the pace in Serbia (yes, the former Yugoslavia) for Boca and Bubba.  On their many trips here, they visited the cousins.  So we were expected to do the same.  Here's a pic of Mitzie, my Mom, in 1980 something with "little" Oliver.

Mom, Maria loves her kitty, which keeps the barn rat free...

Yup, they must have a gazillion baby chicks....

Pleep helped with makin chicken chow...
not used to the farm life, Pleep takes 5....
Pleep suggested that Boca get some appropriate shoes for future visits...

Oliver is expanding the operation...good job O.  We're proud of that entrepreneurial spirit!

Bubs takes 5 with pussy cat..

and like the rest of the Meric carnivores, Maria made enough lamb to feed an army...or Boca and some leftovers....

Thank you dear family. Another beautiful day seeing old and meeting new..OH Oliver, my son Nick, would like to remind you..."Dude, it's all about the chic quality."  All in the family?

and now Pleep understands the birds and the beeeeees..."now I know where baby monkeys come from...