Can't Bear Naples

Dear Family and Friends,

How have ya been?  Now that Boca and Bubba are settled in Naples, and after much convincing Bubs that the next couple of months would be better spent in Europe rather than warding off bears, frogs and snakes in Naples this summer,  WE BE PACKING!

Lest you think I joke…taken last night at our neighbors.   WE BE GONE!

 After Bubs looked at the itinerary, Ol’Boca did have to listen to some of his complaints and demands such as:

"Are ya trying to kill me!"

"Yes honey, so glad you bought me this hat on the last trip.  I knew it would come in handy some day.  I am sure I’ll be a hit in Germany."

"We needed an African drum and Tibetan singing bowl because??? ” 

"Glad we bought that Elephant in India so Customs could drill a hole in it to check for drugs.  Lucky me,  I had to spend days explaining ol’Bubba dudn’t do no drugs.  And I went through that headache so you could put a Santa on it????  Lord give me strength."

"or Balinese prayer screen?????  Oh yeah, we really needed that one.   NO MORE BUYING CRAP!  WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN SOUVENIRS!"

Such a kill joy.  So reluctantly I agreed and made him promise to throw the dang brown old man socks out.  Yes Bubba, the heel should be inside your shoe.

He agreed to throw out the socks, if I also promised to NOT wear my PJ’s inside out…must have been a rough night.

So the packing began…my sincerest tip of the hat to those of you who have successfully mastered the art of packing.  The stress associated with packing for this trip- as measured on the fun meter lies somewhere between having your wisdom teeth pulled out by an angry dental apprentice or weighing in at Weight Watchers after a cruise on Silverseas.  I keep meeting “those” people who pack for a long trip with one CARRY ON BAG.  Bubs said we can’t do that cause our clothes are bigger.  Packing My Suitcase is indeed the true meaning of PMS.  The Collins are more of the cramming and stuffing school of thought followed by tieing some bungee chords to prevent the inevitable explosion of Bubba’s boy scout size collection of flash lights and Boca’s stock pile of Granny panties.  Bubs insisted on getting some new cargo pants for the trip…

As I reminded him to be sure to pack the shirts I bought him for the trip...

While he sneaks in one he picked up for the trip....

And let’s do our best to not fight on this trip Bubs…..

Alrighty then, and 38 years of marriage later…..

And I heard him mumble something about….”well, at least I didn’t have to get ANOTHER passport this year.”  Boca learned why people keep their passports in the safety deposit box after the Passport Office Lady said, “are ya sure you don’t want to go home and put some make-up on for your picture?"

"Hey, honey did you say somethin about a River Cruise?  Fisher Houses in Europe?  Nephew Jason Senior Chief Petty Officer, cousins Voikan and Dushko and some of those folks we met on the Silverseas WC and other assorted pals?  Liver rested up and ready to go….."

Of course I had to remind Bubba about the conflict free zone and the language of love….

Feel free to join us on the trip via the blog a la Griswold style.  Just click on the link below.  And if you want to receive the blog posts as we go just sign in on the email sign up slot.  And for the love of God, my dear family and friends, sign up or tuck away the blog address or put in your browser/favorites so you can peek in on Bubba and Boca at your whim rather than loose it and write me asking what we are doing.  Baby, it’s all there!   Feel free to check out the Google calendar at the bottom of the blog home page for the trip schedule.  Have a great summer and happy trails!  Road trip in the fall to follow on…..that is if we’re still talking to each other.

"Boca and Bubba" Collins

Better to see something once, than hear about it a thousand times.  Asian Proverb