Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Unemployment is 16.4 here in Portugal and Bubs is worried about his robe not fitting.

My darling Bubba, you truly are...

Not going with Annie and I today on one our excursions?  Nah, back still aching, will stretch it out.
Good morning Annie Sunshine.  You made it!  Pleep is pleased to see her and wants to know where Sean and Cameron are?  He so liked hanging out with them at Christmas vacay when they visited us in Naples.

"No Pleep, they had to stay in LA.  Sean is acting in a new TV series "Henry Danger" and they are filming right now.  Big sis is keeping an eye on Sean and she has summer school too.    Here's a promo photo- (2nd from left)," shared Annie.  But of course!  Good luck Sean, I am sure it will be a success!  Hey, Mom, why do they say break a leg???

Annie lined us up with Cooltours....for a day trip to Tomar and environs...Knights of Templar?  The region is home to some of the most important sites linked to the Knights Templar.

Nice ride out there...we stop in the little village of Constancia.  Sweet.  Very peaceful and natural.

Pit stop for Pleep...loving the Pringles vending machine.

Not much to do out here, but what a beautiful setting...of course Pleep had to take a morning dip.

Looks like they are gearing up for some tourist noted not much going on but if you want a sweet setting to read or write a book, this might be it.  Only 3,796 folks to talk to...

Pleep starts beeping the horn in the van as he can't wait to go castle hopping-getting quite excited as he hasn't seen a castle in a few days....oh boy!  Bubba calls the castles on the rivers- toll booths.

We stop off for a little Tomar historic town visit and lunch.  The Sao Joa Baptista (Church of John the Baptist) during the 15th century -a little refreshing going on, much like Boca needs.

Tattoo's and Cupcakes?  Annie is sporting a new tat on her ankle and liked the idea of eating a cupcake while getting inked.  Go Annie Hot Pants!

And speaking of being of our fellow touree's was quite the illustrated man.  After sharing some rich red Portuguese wine, Boca asked how and why and he said he waited till he was 40, he quit his boring teaching job and just had at it with the tattooing.  Hmm a late bloomer?  Annie, asked about the meaning and significance of each tat?  None.  It's just ink.  Well alrighty then, so much for self-expression and the meaning of life.

So we head up the road to the Templer Castle...

KNIGHTS TEMPLAR- associated with Freemasonry

The Knights Templar, were among the most wealthy and powerful of the Western Christian military orders.  The organization existed for nearly 2 centuries during the Middle Ages.  Officially endorsed by the Catholic Church around 1129, the Order became a favoured charity throughout Christendom and grew rapidly in membership and power.  Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a Red Cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades- the Templars' existence was tied closely to the Crusades: when the Holy Land was lost, support for the Order faded.

Well of course a visit to another castle to see how they lived...originally the Templars headquarters was in a wing of the royal palace on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem- believed to be the ruins of the Temple of  Solomon.   Jerusalem was recaptured by the Muslims in 1187 and held it until the Crusaders took  it back, only 1244 the Khwarezmi Turks recaptured Jerusalem, and the city did not return to western control until 1917 when the British captured it from the Ottoman Turks in World War One.  I know you history buffs knew that.  Did you catch that hot pants?

The Order was dotted throughout Europe and the Temps still managed to "manage" many businesses on the side...loving that free rein and no taxes philosophy.  Nice digs.

Wow quite the ornate entry go Knights's!

 Endorsed by some French heavyweights and the Pope, the Temps were allowed to pass freely through all borders-no taxes- and were exempt from all authority except that of the Pope.

oh Pleep, where the heck are you?  The Knights became so powerful during this time that they came to their demise after being accused of heresy.  Hello King of France Philip IV-needing resources for his war with England for transportation and weaponry- made the accusations and grabbed the booty. The Knights were accused of more than 100 charges including devil worship and the denying of Christ during initiation rituals.  There were confessions included by tortured...although the order fell, many continued on in secrecy.

The round church- a 16 side polygonal structure, with strong buttresses, round windows and a bellower.  Actually, the general shape of the church is modelled after similar round structures in Jerusalem:  the Mosque of Omar and the Church of the Holy  Sepulchre (one of Boca's favorites).  The interior of this church is magnificently decorated with gothic sculpture and paintings- added during a renovation sponsored by King Manuel I in 1499.  The pillars and walls have statues of saints and angels under Gothic canopies...and more Goth patterns on the walls and ceilings.  Quite stupendous.

Pleep thought the welcome friar was very cool- a sword and a banana please.  Hey how did a monk get here?  Well after the Knights cleared out. the "Convent of Christ" became a combination of a castle and a convent.   The convent was added later as an extension to the castle, which began construction in 110.   Of course a  UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE  site.   Does Order of Christ ring a bell?

Lots of cloisters added during different periods.  A little bit of Gothic and Moorish and don't forget about the Italian influence.  8 Cloisters to be exact, built in the 15th and 16th centuries.  Quite the building and worth the trip to check it out.  Oh and you can rent it for weddings- Bravo!

Hey Boca, do you think they have a spa here?

A stop at the requisite gift shop a must and of course Pleep begged for his own Templar Helmet...a must to live in Naples.
"A Templar Knight is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armor of steel.  He is thus doubly armed, and need fear neither demons nor men."
Bernard de Clairvausx, d. 1135

Pleep reminded us of Ivanhoe, The Da Vinci Code, National Treasure, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade....never mind the video games Assassin's Creed, The Secret World and Broken Sword.  I can see where this is going....did they find the Holy Grail?  More stuff from the gift shop....

Thanks Annie for suggesting this day tour- Bubs missed an interesting and fun day.  More Crusader wine for us!

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Up at 3:00 a.m. to get the shuttle to Venice.    OPTI ride?  My cousin found it for us...when Boca got past the idea that strangers would be riding with her, and there was no exact pick up time till the last min and finding out we had to be at pick up spot at 4:00 a.m. it actually worked quite well and we would recommend it.  Who said Boca couldn't go hip?

Venice.  Yup.  Flew out of there to Lisbon.

Summer mob scene.
Yes, they can still Saran Wrap their luggage in Italy....and why???

Nothing like getting there in the morning and eating pizza for breakfast....washing it down with 5 cappuccino's.  A little wired were we???


Out there on the Iberian peninsula- next to Spain.  This land has been continually fought over since prehistoric times-  as they say location, location, location.  This little country  was the longest lived of the modern European colonial empires- about 600 years.  It is now 53 sovereign  states- remember the independence of Brazil in 1910 and getting rid of the monarchy.  Lots of hits and misses and don't forget about the Carnation Revolution of 1974.  This is quite a developed country- with an advanced economy and high living standards.   Of course a member of the EU-early on.  But also economic dis and gov debt in the wake of the late 2000"s financial crisis- and of course leading to lots of cut back and loan renegotiations.  Sounding familiar???  10 million folks here.

and over 500,000 live here in the capital (over 3million in the metro area)....
yeah, there we are...kinda looks like the Golden Gate Bridge, doesn't it/

We come ahead of the tour a couple of days to enjoy Lisbon...we check into the 4 Seasons Ritz...very nice...standing majestically overlooking the city.  What a great way to see Lisbon.  Hey, wait a min.  Is it a 4 Seasons or a Ritz?  Ah Miss Boca, we are both- Canadian owned.  Hmmm.  Mr. Bubba, does your wife have rocks in her suitcases???

Let's take a look around...hey what's that Bubs?  Flowers???
You've got that right Boca- orchids on steroids.  Va Va Voom!  And don't get any ideas about your orchids at home....

and whom do we know that lives over here???

And we head out to Caiscais, a seaside town outside Lisbon.  This coastal town west of Lisbon was a former fishing village and gained great fame as a resort for the Portugal Royal Family in the late 19 and early 20th centuries.

Quite a little ride from downtown Lisbon, about a 40 min cab ride.....but well worth the ride.  Oh you could take the train but that would require figuring it out and way above Boca's pay grade.

We were excited to visit our pal, Fernando.  We met the infamous Fernando on the World Cruise/Silverseas last year-2013.  He was our Cruise Director and really made the trip great for all.  He was gracious enough to invite us over for drinks at his place (very old and historic- poetic justice) and out to dinner with the "girls".

 Yes Fernando's place is in one of these historic buildings...the poor cab driver went round and round trying to find it- no easy feat.  Caiscais in now  quite the cosmopolitan address.  Surrounded by many popular beaches as well as a cliffy shore line, attracting many tourists.

Boca was curious about the "Boca do Inferno".....translated, Mouth Of Hell.  Bub's said the name worked on many levels.  1 or so outside of town, lots of splashing going on out there...

And there's our buddy Fernando...colorful as his hacienda.

Bubs wait patiently for his cocktail as Boca was on Fernando's heels for a libation....

In spite of the interesting art work, the ladies got a kick out of the Gorbachev stacking doll...
What's a Boca??

"Good", said Fernando's most darling Mom,  "Margot and Boca are birds of a feather".

Bubs suggested that this tile should hang out side of Fernando's door....

Fernando's ladies...keep up with them Bubs!  Time to eat?  It's only 10'oclock.

The Reign in Spain is anything but plain!

We had met "INFANTA MARGURITA OF SPAIN,  DUCHESS OF SORIA on last years World Cruise, one of Fernando's friends.  "Margot" is kid sister to the just abdicated King Juan Carlos I of Spain.  He abdicated to his son Felipe VI-a big coronation of course and putting aside World Cup misery, the Spaniards cheered.

Margot is an absolute stitch- her love of rock and roll is over the top.  Remembering verse after verse of a gazillion rock songs, that's what I call a fun dinner partner.  I kvetched about our 2 kids not being married, she said, I can match that neither are mine...age 48 and 49.  Touche.  This indomitable strong woman is involved in many charitable foundations and gets around like the energizer bunny- hello, she's 75!  And what's really incredible- blind since birth.  You go Margot.  Looking forward to seeing you again- although bummed we won't see you in Madrid, as you will still be in beautiful Caiscais- here's to the next fun!  And as Audrey Hepburn so aptly said, "Elegance is the only beauty that never fades."

While it may be good to be the King it is also fab to be a "prince".  And now we know why Fernando is the real Prince of Portugal.  So lovable and fun!  Thanks again Fernando for a fun evening.  Boca is still raving about her octopus dinner-yes the full octopus...

  Sweet sailing on the Silverseas.  Don't forget us in Naples.

Duh, Portuguese is nothing like Spanish.  You would think I would have remembered that from the old Anro Days....several Portuguese employees.  Opa!