Saturday, August 9, 2014


Let's hit it...on the road to Cordoba Bubs.

What in the heck is that?

 Boca, that is where some of the Gypsies live.  Live?  As in the side of a mountain?

In a cave?  I guess that's one way to get around real estate taxes.  Pick pocketing must be not be recession proof....
Olive trees...and a very pretty country side.  Pleep asked...if olive oil comes from olives where does baby oil come from?
And more olive trees...the biggest olive growing place on the planet- per the Olive Times.
And, yeah, another castle and more olive trees.  The Andalusia area produces 75% of the olive oil produced in Spain.  I stopped counting the rows of trees at 1 million...last year they produced over 760,000 tons of olive oil.  And by the way what exactly is EXTRA EXTRA Virgin Olive Oil?  vs just Virgin???  Olive trees start producing at 5 yrs (used to be 15) and  max productivity kicks in at  40 years and after 140 they begin to decline.  They do the harvesting between November-March and it is primarily done by hand.  No wonder my olives from Whole Foods are so dang expensive.  And for you cooks out there....olive oil should be consumed within 12 months of bottling and can begin to go rancid after 15 months.  And everyone knows Boca's most favorite place for the olive in the bottom of her Martini Glass.  Cheers.

Pit stop...this is one peeing crowd but amen to the tschokes and snick snacks...hey it's all about the olives girls.
Except when it's about the "melons"...  you go Annie.
And a few more olives....

Just the sight of more olives makes Boca  thirsty again...
Hey gang, there's the famous Cordoba Roman Bridge..

 and there's the mosque cathedral heard that right.  Now that's one big a## building.

Roman in ancient times and then the capital of the Islamic Emirate and then the Caliphate of Cordoba...I see a walking tour coming on.  Get your Voxes out fellow Taucktorians.  Some say Cordoba was the most populous city in the world at one time- a very Muslim society and at that time quite tolerant toward its Christian and Jewish minorities...yeah, the good ol days.

And naturally, a UNESCO World Heritage Site...when this place was built there were 3000 other mosques in the hood!  The Great Mosque of Cordoba became the Great Cathedral of Cordoba...

 As always, Boca's lovin the ornate...never too much.
 The renovation is stupendous and brings in all those tourists...worth the trek.
 Although a Catholic Church today....all that mosquey stuff is a little creepy for this Christian.  In an active church?

 Per Pleep ,"Get over it Mom".

Time for a family style dinner...poor Joe tries to get some calm over the Tauktorians...fugetabout it Joe!  This is a tough crowd.

and one more note to Blair and Annie....

Ok. Ok. Ok.  Glad he didn't say anything about blogging.  Annie and the  Aussie mug it up.

 A rowdy table...and the others weren't??

David gives a matador demonstration and Maria begs for a fill in bull...

Plates and Plates and Plates of savory and delectable food...
 And more vino of course....what language is that you are speaking Annie??
Only to be followed by roof top cameras allowed Boca.

 This wild and crazy group got on like old friends-"Outstanding," said Joe, "and what a pleasure to lead such a lively group".
No sour pusses allowed or we'll have to...