Saturday, August 9, 2014


We check the city down the hill-a population of of the entire urban area is about 472,000 or so.

Fountain fun- Annie and the Texans.

 Hey Boca, it's a wedding....Love the flapper bridesmaid look...

Of course we must check out the church...good thing Bubs not here...Still havin that tourist icky thing.

oooo la la, such a beautiful church...yet again.

and glad to see it is a busy place-even pre wedding.  Bravo!

Quite ornate...
Enough Boca,  let's check out the town....a guys gotta make a living...nothing like a one man band.

What the heck is that?

Very cleaver street "performer"...did you figure out how he hangs in mid air??

Our fearless Tour Director Joe, gives us marching for the pick pockets!

A great place for a "Hen" party...there goes the bride...

Never ending tourist must haves....

Beware of pick pockets:  yes check out the two gypsy "ladies"- they offer you a sprig of lavender or rosemary and next thing you know something is missing.  Especially good at grabbing your goodies in your back pack.  Pestering is one thing but robbing is another.  Interesting they stand around the Cathedral.  A bit of disorientation trying to find the door to the Cathedral and they have you in their grips with their "free" gift.  Expecting you to reciprocate with SOME euros.  If you are not a taker...then they give you the Gypsy Curse....Boca was only to happy to give the Boca Blast  (as some of you know can be quite colorful) right back!  Turning on their heels as quickly as they could.  Thank you very much.

A guys gotta make a living...

Ok ladies, are you getting hungry??
  And no hookain around!

Annie and her expert schnoz...sniffer extraordinaire.

It's all about the Paella Boca..and the misting umbrella's.  It's only 108 today.  Yikes as bad as Texas.  Do you enjoy Paella?  It must be quite an art to make this you know how to prepare it?  It's all about the fresh seafood for Boca.  And you know I'm all about the's always good- cheap wine or not.  Not being one to share the bottle, love that you get your own pitcher.


We had to pay to get in, but so worth it.  Very cool and only 3 other tourists.  Impressive facades and a stunning interior with a grand alter and a bunch of chapels...and in the burial chamber tombs of some Catholic kings.  What more can you ask for in a Cathedrale?

Ooooo , this is Boca's cup of tea girls...over the top.

It took 181 years to build this cathedral- and boy does it show- in a good way.  It was started with a Gothic foundation and design but the build out ended up being very Gothic.

  Loaded with Baroque elements...

The Cathedral had been intended to become the royal mausoleum by Chrles I of Spain, but old Philip II moved the site for hi father and subsequent kings to El Escorial outside of Madrid- must be city people.

Would love to have heard the organ...and reminded the Pleep, don't even think about it.

Boca is all about the oration ornamentation's and not quite sure what all of it means...

and more- no such thing as overstated in Boca's eyes.   The size, splendor and opulence was staggering.  Not to mention the AC and lack of a gazillion tourists...a great place to reflect and say a prayer-even if you're not Catholic.  Not to be missed!  Well worth the 4 Euros.  Wish the rest of the cathedrals in Europe did the same...

Who's buried there Bettie??

Love the white walls and so blinged out by the gold leaf....

Boca, Is that Pleep up there on the organ???  I believe I see him in my view finder...

 Nothing like some fine churching to get Boca in the mood for some Icon buying...I have just the spot for this one.  Holy Mother!

Ok Boca, let's head back as we need to catch the bus for our next stop...Cordoba.  Corawhata??
Better start a new post for that one...they say it's WAY OVER THE TOP.  Wonder if Bubs is doing better or shall I pick up some Depends???