Sunday, August 10, 2014


The Taucktorians head over to the

The Prado Museum contains the world's greatest assembly of Spanish painting-especially works by Velazquez and Goya-ranging from the 12th-19th centuries.  The museum opened in 1819.  The importance of the Prado is founded on its royal collections....lots of foreign art too.

The Goya Gate in front of the Museum...quite the grandiose building I might add.  Hey what does Prado mean?  Meadow, as it used to be in a meadow Boca.   Yup, it costs more than 35 million Euros to run this place annually.  Used to be the government paid for  80% of the operating and expansion costs but now they are trying to reduce it to 50%.  Cut backs and all, the Prado is still one of the most formidable bidders for paintings- in the WORLD.

Part of the Goya Collection....naked Mama, I mean, Naked Maja.  c  1800

El Greco, The Knight with His Hand on His Breast,  c 1580-  Pleeps personal fav.

 The Three Graces c 1635
This was one of the last paintings by the Flemish master Rubens.  The 3 woman dancing in a ring are the daughters of Zeus, and represent Love, Joy and Revelry.   Early Taucktorians??

We get the rest of the day off for good behavior.  Thank you Pleep.  More Starbucks for the caffeine addicted....

 Tschoke Shop- yes Bubs you need your very own Don Quixote're such a Man of La Mancha Bub...

and your very own Spanish  Sword....yes Annie did load up.  You need a Sword because??
Foster Grants?  Nah, Ray Bans.

Come on Boca, keep up!  This place is hot as hell but a lot of fun and great shopping!

Time to go back and change for dinner...yeah the camo pants work.  Annie eyes some luggage on the street as she is need of more luggage for her booty.  No not that booty Bubs.

Annie and Bubs check out the menu at the square...the place was packed so we had to jockey for a table...Annie put your shoulders back and I bet we get a table pronto!

 That took about 35 seconds...a table of guys offered their chairs.   Way to go Annie!
They so enjoyed watching Annie eat a little paella ...

Time for the walk home...Boca's pals stop to check out the street performers...

Beyond Break dancing....
 Crowd participation made it fun to watch....better move it along Boca, we have a big day tomorrow...