Friday, August 8, 2014


 Seville has a population of about 700,000 and in the greater metro area about 1.5 mil- making it the 4th largest city in Spain.  The city is about 2,200 years old.  And what a well preserved historical centre.  Lots of Islamic art and Arabic influence....then the Castilians took over.  The Taucktorians take an orientation tour around the city....

Love that Isabel II Bridge...

Palace of San Temo, seat of the presidency of the Andalusian Autonomous Government...

 Pleep thought he could apply for a job...envisioning himself as THE SPANISH BUTLER

Plaza de Espana...

The Royal Tobacco Univ of Seville

Becoming quite the tourist airport, new train station, and lots of improvements luring tourists from all over the world.  Love Seville- quite the top notch stop.  Now we know why they always carry a fan...

Is there one big enough for Bubba, Boca and the Pleep?

You bet...kinda like NYC except cleaner carriages, better looking and cleaner horses and distinguished drivers...hey did they ever outlaw them in NYC?

Through the park Jorge...
The Taucktorians are having a ball in the buggys...
Lovely parks all over the city centre...
The Muellers from Saint Louie
Drop off back at the Hotel...

Bubs and Pleep are on poop patrol....
Oh no, I can't do another cathedral go on.  I'll wait out here.

A guy's gotta make a living....

A gal's gotta make a living....

Time for a cold one and a burger...first one in 2 months!

Fried everything?

Boca must find a beauty shop..again?  Hey it's not easy being Boca...

Evening dinner, back at the Alfonso...Mr. Collins, Mr. Pleep is still at the bar, shall we wait or shall I take your order now?

Annie, no those aren't Sardines...

Colorful and plentiful...

Talk about a fried seafood platter....

Lamp chops Spanish style...

Yes,  Annie I see you had your pits lasered as well.

Finally, the best part of any meal is the sugar, Sugar.

Nite Nite Bubs....