Friday, August 8, 2014


This morning we traveled into Spain...set your watch ahead one hour please.  46 million inhabit this country.  Native Spaniards make up 88% of the population.

Been to 150 countries and never Spain?  Huh?  Technically Bubs did come here with Kissinger in the 70's but that doesn't count in the fun bucket.  One of three countries to have both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines.  Spain is a democracy organized in the form of a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy.  And of course a member of the EU.  Much like it's neighbors they were under the rule of Rome, then the Germans, Moorish madness....and became the strongest kingdom in Europe, leading world power for a century and a half. Then Napoleon showed up and knocked them out of the top spot.  Then lots and lots of history and turmoil right up to the Spanish Civil War in 1936.  Led by General Francisco Franco and supported b Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy...and he emerged victorious- never mind the loss of over 500,000 people and the same amount fled the country as well.    After WW11 Spain was politically and economically isolated and kept out the United Nations....but then the good ol' USA needed a military presence on the Iberian peninsula and presto all is well for Spain.  Hello the Spanish Miracle where they headed toward a modern economy and unprecendeted growth.  Unlike what we found today...

Unemployment as of April...24.6%  was 25.2 coupled with a huge trade deficit...
 Carlos succeeded to the position of King and head of state....the more turmoil and coups.  They went Euro in2002 and more economic growth...then the world wide property recession struck in 2008 leading to the Spanish financial crisis.

Don't forget King Juna Carlos abdicated June his son Felipe VI.  We heard he is making lots of changes and lots of transparency.  Good idea Fel.  Today their capitalist mixed economy is the 14t largest worldwide and the 5th largest in the EU.

We arrived in Merida and did the old walking tour to get a feel for the place.  So many unique bridges and remains of the Roman Circus ad the Aqueduct.  The town was founded in 25 BC.

Yup, that's a whole lotta stones out there.  Actually Bubs,  Merida preserves more important ancient Roman monuments than any other city in Span.
Dave and Bubs say enough is enough already...even these Florida boys are sweating bullets today.

Our tour included the Roman Theatre ult in 15 BC- accommodating p to 5000 people and still used today for classical performances.
 Our pal. Blair, from Texas was all about the Facebook photos..
 Where's that damn monkey???  Yeah I get it, Napoleon destroyed most of the monuments-good thing he left these so we can stand out here in the heat and near sweat to death looking at it.  Yeah, right.

I think I saw him over here Bubs...

 Oh I see him!  He's at the other amphitheater.  Come on Pleep it's lunch time.

Yes Boca, we know the Archaeological Ensemble of Merida has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993.  And the good Lord knows, Pleep and Bubs are over all that Roman theater.  Never mind Bubba.  This place was worth the visit as it is truly remarkable the stuff is still standing and not bulldozed down for a shopping center.  Good job Spain in preserving some history.  Lunch at another convent-The Parador, built in the 18th century.  Ole!
Back on the bus for a little siesta and drive to Seville.  Our young Taucktorian, Micheal.  What a brave kid (middle school braniac) to come along with his folks....hey Mike, what's a "mathlete"?

Hotel Alfonso  XIII
is a historic hotel in Seville, right next door to the University of Seville.  It was built between 1916-1928- built especially for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929...hello King Alfonso XIII.

Wow, over the top fine.  Conceived to be the grandest hotel in  Europe and it sure does a good job rising to the occasion.  Do you think there will be a wedding that Boca can crash???

Go Bubba Go!  Looks like you're on a mission.....

Jump on the bed for a test Pleep.  The place was renovated in 2012 so I'm hoping the beds are oh so Tempurpedic.  If it's good enough for Brad Pitt and Shakira, surely it should be good enough for the Boca.

Today the hotel is owned by the City of Seville and managed by the Luxury Collection division of Starwood Hotels.  Say what?  The architecture is very much inspired by Arab influence...arches, columns, decorated with elaborate coffered hanging lamps, ornamented ceramic tiles, lots of marble and wood too.
Pleep stop banging on the piano!!

Boca thinks Highcroft Drive could use a few more arches...

Ok Boca, enough of the hotel...let's head out.

Hey, there's a Starbuck Annie.  Get your triple back flip latte chai no moca with skinny milk.
Ok Boca, and you get get your SPAM.  Ha.
And Bubs can raid the ATM.  He's loving Annie's camp pants and gets him thinking about which hillbilly hunting property he is going to buy when he gets home.  Joy,
The town is loaded with college students and lots of goings on....lovin it.

Hey Bubs, there's the Seville Cathedral.  It's the largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest churh in the world.  Registered in 1987 by UNESCO.  After its completion in the early 16th century, the Seville Cathedral supplanted Hagia Sopia as the largest cathedral in the world, a title the Byzantine church had held for nearly a thousand years....touchy subject for Boca as Hagia Sophia is her favorite and sadly taken by the Moslem's and converted to a Mosque and now a museum-located in Istanbul.

The cathedral is also the burial site of Christopher Columbus.  Well not originally....originally buried in Havana but during the upheavals during the Cuban revolution in 1902, Spain transferred the remains to Seville.  Voila!

 The cathedral was built to demonstrate the cities' wealth and bling.  Construction took about 100 years.  Interesting, the clergy of the parish gave half of their stipends to pa for architects, artist, artisans, masons, carvers, craftsmen and laborers.  Wow!

The interior has the longest nave of any cathedral in Spain.  Built on the site of a mosque by the way...

Such an awesome Cathedral- a must see.  A day fill with antiquities- that would include Bubba.

Pleep wants to know if he qualifies as a Church Monkey??