Sunday, August 10, 2014


A day trip (about 50 miles or so) out to Toledo.   Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986 for its extensive cultural and monumental heritage and historical existence of  Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures.  AKA "The City of Three Cultures".  Absolutely stunning!  Bringing a whole new meaning to HOLY TOLEDO!

Known from Roman history- ca. 59 BCE)- a long and rich history.  Toledo was the capital of the Spanish empire until the mid 1500's when the Royal court moved back to Madrid.

Picturesquely sited on a hill, the old city is located on a mountaintop with a 150 degree view- surrounded on three sides by a bend in the Tagus River.

The Christmas photo?  Nah.

This breath taking city has a population of 84,000 or so today...and loads of visitors.

Before the tour starts 30 mins of shopping for the gals...dudes watch and hold the bags.

and chew the fat....

Do you think you can make me a special....hello, hello, I'm talking to you sir....what do you mean my husband told you to not look up????

Let the tour begin- Boca where is your Vox?

Dave is still trying to figure out how his Vox works...

Yes Bubs, the Toledo Cathedral.  This massive cathedral reflects its history as the spiritual heart of the Church in Spain.  The present cathedral was started in 1226 and finished in 1493- how's that for sticking with a building program.  Hence- HOLY TOLEDO?

The metal working industry has historically been Toledo's economic base, with a great tradition in the  manufacturing of swords and knives.  For you folks from Ohio, your Toledo Blade newspaper's namesake is named in honor of that sword-making tradition.  Go for it Annie...I think you still have some empty space on your walls....

The winding, cobbled streets of the old town are intriguing with lots of shops and interest.

Yes, Bubba you can make it up the street- rumor has it there's a Starbuck's up there.

For all my Jewish friends- loved the Jewish quarter.  Mach Shnel!

Taking driving in a tight spot to the next level...

Enough already with the cobble stones....

The Museum del Greco is dedicated to the painter and  understanding his work and influence...and NO PHOTO'S ARE ALLOWED.  Did you hear that Boca???

Was the Burial of the Count of Orgaz on the do not photo list Bubs?  Boca, why do you think the guard is giving you the evil eye and the NO NO NO FINGER.  I don't know why they called this Greek painter (yes he was born in Crete- original name- Domenikos Theotokopoulous) El Greco?  Oh, I get it.  Duh.  Isn't it time for lunch?

Lunch time always includes the, who knew, very good Spanish vino...isn't that right Bubba?  Salute!

Our Aussie pals, Nellie and Sam, enjoy some grub and laughs with us.

Come on Annie, we missed a few shops!

Michelle and Rich chillax for the ride back to Madrid.  Hey, where's Bub?


As some of the Taucktorians broke out in song for one last ride....


Annie is the table pathfinder...

What's up with that?  My wife hasn't worn a dress in years...

Per our young fellow Tauktorian- you old farts were a lot of fun!  Not.
Per Joe, "Micheal, you get the patience award of the year!"
Well, we know Boca was in NOT line for that one.

La Bamba???

And Joe, our very own hot Latin,  breaks out in some Enrique Iglesias... BAILANDO!

Group hug...

Nothing like a bunch of juiced up Taucktorians....

The Hora???

A la Pharrell Williams-  Because I'm Happy....clap along if you feel like a room without a roof....
They can Hora and Clap all they want...don't get between me and my sugar fix.
Asia meets Aussie...

Ok Annie, let's call it a night.  We need to pack up...
Why did you bring those high heels?  You only wore flip flops or gym shoes.
Boca shares her bounty (gift from the manager for water leaking into Boca's light fixture over the shower)....well duh....he thought the book would be a fond remembrance??? Zap Zap

Good night Annie- it's been another fun trip with you.  Thanks for coming along with Bubs and Boca.  AND KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THOSE PESKY ALIENS!!