Saturday, August 9, 2014


JEREZ de la Frotera
An interesting town with a little over 215,000 folks living here- located in southwest Spain.  Known for wine/sherry, flamenco and horses....never mind per Time Magazine/2012 profiled Jerez as the most indebted town in Spain.

The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art....Art?  Yup, and the home base for the Spanish Military Stud Farm. You go Mr. Green Jeans.

The Texans explain-Yes, Bubba, tho institution is devoted to conserving the ancestral abilities of the Andalusian horse- maintaining the classical traditions of Spanish baroque horsemanship.

Hey Boca, lots of dressage, coach driving...blacksmithing, saddlery and the manufacture of harnesses are part of the schooling.
Kinda like the riding school we saw in Vienna- yeah, the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.  Lot's of dancing stallions around here...

Dressage, Boca calls it Horsey Ballet...her favorite horse sport to watch...

The Taucktorians enjoy watching the horses workout...Bubs suggests that Boca get in the ring to walk off some of the fabulous Spanish food we have been munching.
One beautiful horse after another...Pleep enjoyed sneaking a ride.

All that horsing around makes a gal thirsty...we tour a Bodega (wine cellar) - yes Boca, that's a place where they make Sherry.

Next stop Sandeman's.  The sherry production houses are surprisingly located in the middle of the town.  Sandeman doesn't sound like a Spanish name?  Boca, the Brits have been active here for centuries, which is why many of the names are so Anglo-Saxon.

Known throughout the world... are sherry grapes different from Boca's wine grapes?

Do you think there's enough here for our fellow Tauktorian Boca?

Bettie and Blair dressed to blend at the Sandeman...hoping fellow tourees won't notice their sniffing around...and fyi sherry is a fortified wine made from white grapes, made primarily from the Palomino grape....the more they oxidize in the barrels the darker and heavier the sherry.  Under Spanish law, all wine labelled as "Sherry" must legally come from the Sherry Triangle- an area in the province of Cadz between Jerez, Salucar and El Puerto de Santa Maria.

Not that interested in the Sherry tour Michelle?    iPad matched shirt.  Nice touch.  And Boca did you know Christopher Columbus brought Sherry to the new world?  Used to be known as Europe's finest wine.  After much sampling...still way too sweet for Boca.  A first, a drink that Boca doesn't like.  Raise the flag!  Do you like Sherry?


Yes, Bub you need your passport.   Pretty much included waving your passport at an UNinterested official at the border.....not one to forget...Boca pointed out this was way better than the Croatian Crap Crossing.

 Located on the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula at the entrance to the Mediterranean- a British Overseas Territory.

You mean we walk across the air plane runway?

You bet Pleep.  Makes for a dicey entrance.

30,000 folks live here...enjoying the pool and beach.  The good ol"Hapsburgs backed the War of Spanish Succession, captured Gibraltar from Spain in 1704 and subsequently ceded to Britain "in perpetuity.  And still an important base for the Royal Navy.  And still today the sovereignty of Gibraltar is a major point of contention in Anglo-Spanish relations, as Spain asserts a claim to the territory. No soap Spain.  Currency is the Gibraltar pound.

Lots of SIGNIT listening going on here I am sure.  Remember my nephew Jason stationed in England....the one with the "big" ears.

While 78% of the Gibraltarians are Roman Catholics, 4% of the population is Islam.  While Bubs gets all wiggy over the minaret..
Never mind that Bubs, Boca and Pleep enjoy the beautiful crystal clear water.

Pleep reminds  us its time to hop over to the St. Micheal's caves...the what??

A network of limestone caves located within the Upper Rock Nature and Tourist Shjop Preserve....this one is the most visited of the 150 found on Gibraltar.  Looking a bit psychedelic,  Boca and Pleep enjoyed the very cool light show.  The largest of the chambers, named Cathedral Cave, currently serves as an auditorium hosting music genres from operas to philharmonic to pop and rock.  What about the legendary "Pillars of Hercules?"

Per Bubba,  Stoners leave the LSD at home- not needed.

Enough of the gift shop and buying all things Monkey- Pleep is ready to play with the world famous Gibraltar Monkeys...
Barbary Coast apes caught Annie and Pleep's eye...the Barbary macaque population on Gibraltar is the only wild mike population in the  European continent, and, unlike that of North Africa, it is thriving!

And unlike the Pleep, these monkeys are quite subdued.  At present some 300 animals, in 5 troops, occupy the area of the upper rock and make for a big tourist attraction.  We can see why...and what happened to the Pleep??

Annie is all about the Gibraltar Monkeys.  Hey where are their tails?

A mother cradles her baby...aww.  And who takes care of these monkeys as it is against the law to feed them (fine is 4000 pounds!!).  Pleep better not share his lunch!  When he found out that all of the monkey's are tattooed...relentless in bugging Bubba to get one.

onward to MARABELLA
Joe, our so full of information tour guide, gives us a quick orientation on where to shop...he knows the Tauktorian priority.

We check into the Gran Melia Don Pepe Hotel- part of the Costa del Sol Bubs.  In the 1950's this town became popular with celebrities, business execs and the Royals- quite the jet set spot.  Hey remember fugitive /USA, Marc Rich?  He bought a house here, then renounced American and claimed Spanish citizenship during his decades of evading American income taxes...and before he died a pal of ours stayed at his house here....quite the story.

Annie checks out the "smoking" Caviar bar.... the 70's brought loads of petro dollars and lots of luxury villas.  The place is jammed with many many condo's, townhouses and such.
17 miles of beach are awesome...
I can see why this place attracts tons of international tourists..
View from our room, loving that Mediterranean Sea...between Malaga ad the Gibraltar the foothills of the Sierra Blanca.
Boca you check out the Spa, Bubs and I will check out the gym...
Dinner with some fellow Tauktaurians....
What the heck did Annie order Bubs???
Exhausted from all the touring we need a day at the beach ...excellent, tomorrow is the day for R and R.  "Yahoo!",  cheers Bubba.