Sunday, June 29, 2014


During the grand old Habsburg days, Austria was Europe's most powerful empire.  It's royalty built a giant kingdom of more than 60 million people by making love not war....having lots of children and marrying them into the other royal houses of Europe.  The country still clings to its elegant past and I can see why.  The waltz is still the rage as music has been a key part of it's heritage- Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.  They are not German-although most speak German. At the end of WWI,  Austria adopted and used the name the republic of  German-Austrian in an attempt for union with Germany.    This lasted until the end of WWII in 1945, after which Germany was occupied by the allies and Austria's former democratic constitution was restored.  And I love this- the Austrian Parliament created the Declaration of Neutrality which declared that the Second Austrian Republic would become permanently neutral.  Today, Austria is a parliamentary representative democracy composed of 9 federal states.

Austria is more mellow and relaxed compared to Deutschland.  It joined the EU in 1995 and the Euro currency in 1999.

Unlike Germany, its industrious neighbor to the northwest, Austria is content to offer a good living and bask in its grandest empires.  8.5 million Austrians- and the Parliament is located in Vienna, the country's largest city and capital.  We will be heading over there next....


Melk is a city along the Danube with a population of 5,257.  So why are we stopping here? asked Pleep.  Because it is best known as the site of  a massive baroque Benedictine monastery named Melk Abbey.  We visited the largest abbey in Austria and certainly the largest Pleep has ever seen.  He also asked to we have to "Pay to Pray?

Originally a palace, and it shows.  As they say, "If it ain't Baroque don't fix it!"  Talk about over the top- way to go you Benedictine Monks.  The Abbey contains the tome of Saint Coloman and the remains of several members of the House of Baenmberg- Austria's first ruling dynasty.

This impressive abbey was built between 1702 and 1736- and check out those frescos.  The church has an astonishing number of decorative windows and richly embellished with marble.

How about the impressive library (rising 2 stories) with countless medieval manuscripts...Pleep so enjoyed strolling around with the black robed monks and immensely liked climbing the sliding library ladder, rolling it round and round the room till be told by one of the lady door guides "ENOUGH PLEEP!  GET DOWN OFF THE LADDER!!"

So off to Church we go....Due to it's fame and academic stature, Melk managed to escape dissolution under Emperor Joseph II during the time when many other abbeys were seized and dissolved.  When the Nazi's stepped in they took it over but after WWII it was returned to the order and now operates a school- for nearly 900 pupils- boys and girls.  Pleep was bummed that school was out for summer so  dragged along with Bubs to see the very heralded Church...and it did not disappoint.

For over 900 years the monks have continued in the tradition of St. Benedict without interruption in the fields of parish life- 23 parishes belong to the monastery.  Bubs, is that Pleep up there by the organ?

  Since it's beginnings, Melk has been an important intellectual and spiritual center of the country.  And we can see the Prince-Bishop-Friends of Monks did a heck of a job erecting some church.  Wow to the marble!

Hows that for a little opulence?

and lets add a little more marble.  Pleep asked if we could be Catholic for the day?

 and why not a decent pipe organ?

And I thought I heard him pray...Dear Lord,  How many churches can one man visit?

and how'bout those Box Seats Bubs?

This magnificent building has been undergoing extensive restoration work since 1978.

Hey Bubba, is that Pleep helping them mix cement??

Oh my, he's helping the gal on the scaffolding....she insisted that he continue on as her most capable assistant.  OY.  Better than running up the bar tab?

and what a view from the terrace.  Yes it's good to live at the Abbey.

Better get Boca out of here before she gets some dddddecorating ideas...

Motorized Monk bikes?

I came to Casablanca for the waters....but a cold beer will do.  Can I get a Hail Mary?