Monday, June 16, 2014


RIJKSMUSEUM (which in English means, The State Museum)
The Riks is Pleeps favorite art museum-
it's all about the Dutch Masters Pleepster.  Don't forget your Vox- that little blue thing you hang on your neck to hear our tour guide explain the art and the good Lord knows, Boca never took an art class-remaining clueless to what's what.

The Riks was founded in The Hague in 1800 and moved to Amster in 1808.  This uniquely styled building was originally built in 1885 in the then fashionable Dutch neo-Renaissance style.  In April 2013, after a 10 year renovation and spending $500 million bucks in cost, it reopened. Never mind blowing the schedule by 5 years.  About 2.2 million visitors show up every year.  The two Spanish architects who designed the renovation did a superb job.  Well done amigos.  Synergy between the old and new...kinda like Bubba and Boca.

Come on Pleep, it's all about Mr. Rembrandt's Night Watch...

Today the museum displays 8000 works of art, down from the 1 million they used to display.  Less is more?  Pleep is all over those Dutch masters.

The security staff heard that Pleep would be visiting the museum today so they felt an extra guard around Nightwatch would remind him to stay behind the rope....this painting has had many crazies do many bizarre things to this it.  For example, the last nutcase threw acid on the painting- seems to be a reoccurring theme. This painting has had more face lifts than Joan Rivers.  Note to security, step it up, as inevitably there are more nuts out there.

Bubs thought," hey didn't  I get rid of one just like it at the last house  move?  You mean she actually paid a lot of moola for it?.  Oops."

And speaking of monkey, where did that dang monkey go....


One of the most important physical features of the city is its network of canals.  Amsterdam grew up around its 40 concentric and radial canals which are flanked by streets and crossed by over 1500 bridges and 90 islands.

  It is because of these canals that the city has gained ts title of "Venice of the North".

 We learned that the city had to be built on wooden and concrete piles....underlying soft ground and there are:
165 canals
51 museums
173 nationalities

Don't ya love those narrow and tall Dutch row houses?  Yes Pleep, they still use those hooks to haul furniture up to the 2nd and 3rd floors, as the hallways are too narrow for today's King size beds."

The canal system looks like some successful city planning a la 17th century.  We so enjoyed the canal cruises, we did it 2x.  A fun way to see the city and have a cold one.

Of course there's a Hard Rock...Pleep insisted on grabbing a burger and brew.  The canals are definitely a big part of the tourist infrastructure. In 2013 they celebrated 400 years of the canal system.

Many beautiful homes surround the canals on the water.  The place is loaded with houseboats.  Pleep wants to know where the poop goes when they flush???  No canal swimming for the Pleepster.

Amsterdam is truly a city of dreamers.  This is a city where the ingenuity of the past has met the technology of today.  It is a place of young people from around the world looking to find themselves. It's all about possibility you know.

Pleep grabbed the camera to get a proper picture to remember Amsterdamfine.  So long wild -N- crazy Amsterdam.  Bubs hasn't been here since 1966 and Boca's last visit was in 1994 so it was fun to get an Amster fix.   Still a young person's mecca.  A must experience for young people and brave baby-boomers-round up the usual suspects and check it out.  So long - Boca and Bubs had an absolute Awesome AmsterDam experience!

Next, we jumped in our coaches and headed out for a 2 hour drive across the Netherlands to meet up with our ship. The bucolic setting made for beautiful ride.  The Dutch countryside is characterized by dikes, windmills, castles, flowers, bicycles, and well kept farmhouses and barns.  Pristine.Yep, 2 hours and you ride the width of The Netherlands.  Tiny but mighty.


Back on the Treasure, docked on the river in Nijmegen- the oldest city in The Netherlands- and we're off to Cologne , Germany.  Getting to meet the other passengers and crew.  Pleep said they were in for a treat meeting his Mom.  He is looking forward to the crew taking care of us and making all of the arrangements.  Cruising starts now.  No more Priceline Bubs!