Monday, June 23, 2014


Was sooooo bummed as we had looked forward to jumping off the boat and taking a car ride Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to visit a Fisher House and the most fabulous Fisher House Manager,  Viviene.  Sadly, the stop in Rudeshiem was less than 5 hours so not enough time to take the 1 1/2- 2hr drive to Landstuhl Medical Center/Fisher House.  This overseas military hospital is operated by the US Army and the Dept of Defense.  LRMC is the largest military hospital outside of the continental United States.  It serves as the nearest treatment center for wounded soldiers coming from Iraq and Afghanistan.  In addition, it serves military personnel stationed in the European Union (and family members too).  The medical center also serves as a stop-over (medivacted) via the nearby Ramstein Air Base) for serious casualties form Iraq and Afghanistan before being flown to the United States.  Sadly, but gratefully, we have had to opportunity to meet many of these brave warriors while they are getting their treatment in the US.

Viv,  thanks again for offering your wonderful hospitality.  Bubs and Boca must make a special trip to visit you and YOUR very special Fisher House.  Bubba and I thank you for living up to your hospitals motto "SELFLESS SERVICE"....did you know that over half of the troops who died at Lansthul from combat injuries from 2005- 2010 were organ donors?  May their memories be eternal!

Bummed out that we couldn't make it to Lan, we wandered into town with the group and stopped off for the traditional German fun and food.  Ompapa!

Hey, is that guy playing the clarinet with his nose Bubba?!!  Yup Boca, quite a talent.  Yes, Bubba did play the clarinet as a kid so I suggested he challenge ol'Hans to a blow off.

Bubs didn't take me up on the blow off but did take the Schnaps Challenge.  Lots of Schnaps, beers and many laughs later a good time was had by all.  

A birthday was celebrated....

Along with a scrumptious German style coffee....leaving Starbucks in the dust.

So Boca decided to go get her never ending gray roots colored a la German style.    A little nervous after meeting the young hair dresser.....She actually did a nice job.  Way to go Helga and I'll be sure to give the piercing suggestions some thought....

On the walk back to the boat Boca stopped at a shoe store as her dogs were barking.  The lady asked for Boca's size.  While Boca was ready to strap on the shoe box, the poor shoe clerk brought out pair after pair.   Lots of trying on shoes prevailed...the shoes Boca had on were over 10 years old and quite worn out.  Yes, embarrassing but what can Boca do?   But she has had no luck over the years getting replacements.  Buy'em, wear'em for a day, give'em away.  Naot's flop around on the foot.  Merrils aren't horrible.  Numerous and nameless brands have been tried.  Eureka!

 A pair fit and Boca threw some euro's on the desk and ran to catch up to the boat as they were getting ready to pull the gang plank up.  Boing.  Boing.

The Euro is the currency used by some of those countries in the European Union...well not all.  Hello England.  The Euro started in 1995 and is now the 2nd largest reserve currency and second most traded in the world-US buck is number 1.  In 1999  it was 1.1 to the $1 and in today it is 1 euro to a $1.40.  The E with a squiggly- came from the Greek symbol-  epsilon E- a reference to the cradle of European civilization.  One of the rules is to keep your budget deficit below 3% of your gdp.  Hello USA?  And they believe in triangulation- yeah, sure, round it up for the Boca.  Make shopping more difficult.  And by the way, what happened to Iceland in 2008 when its entire international banking system collapsed?  Bank bail out baby- and yes, we know all about that in the good ol'USA.  Hmmm.

The romantic Rhine includes the stretch between Mainz and Cologne.  The narrowing river and the mountains provided the Robber Barons of the Middle Ages an overlook to build a fortress and exact tolls from river travelers.  If they refused to pay off the the castle dungeon,  

These well positioned toll stations along the Rhine were an excellent source of income for nobleman and church authorities.  Between Mainz and Cologne there were roughly 30 of these toll booths.  No "sun pass" for the river boats I guess.

The castles were built at the height of the system of Feudalism.  Peasants lived and served their local noble lord.  Nobility hardly lived the life of luxury but it was better than sleeping with the pigs and cows.  The castles were cold, damp and hoo.  The nobles produced sons who became Knights and daughters who were married off to other nobles.  Pretty much their lives revolved around war and honor and piling up moola.  The castles were very cool and oh so picturesque. 

And Boca kept pressing for room service??

7 Steps to Turn a Complaining Customer into a Raving Fan.....
Bubba had a "come to Jesus meeting" with our Cruise Director about the chow and service..."you are the only one to complain.  oh well".  Huh.  Raise your hand if the Cruise Director should be grateful Boca wasn't at the meeting....

Yes the staff is young (well who isn't compare to us old duffer passengers) and some new to the cruise world so Boca will do her best and put her training hat on....where are you putting your bet?