Saturday, June 21, 2014



This varied and beautiful country of 83 million stretches from the Rhine to the Polish border and from the coasts of the North Sea and Baltic to the Alps.  It's about the size of Montana- with a whole lot more people. 

 The prosperity and modernity, built up West Germany with the end of WWII and now slowly spreading east.  No more check point Charlie, thank you very much.  Mr. Gorbachev, take down that wall....and the reunification of east and west is still underway.

Few  people are as fond of their homeland- well besides the Texans- as the Germans and this exceptional heritage is lovingly maintained.  No uncared for buildings around here (well, yes in a few in East Germany/old school commie crumbling buildings over there).  Pleep finds a new German play pal and learns to omp pa pa.

These are hard working and fun loving people-1,274 breweries abound.  
Since 1516 the composition of German beer has been governed by the Reinheitsgebot- the Purity Law.  Most of the breweries turn out a lager type product.  Bubba is in 7th heaven with the prospect of so many tasting opportunities.  Hey Bub, grab a brew, some beer pretzels and check out the brass band! You can take your Vox earpiece off Bubs, nobody lecturing in the bier garten. 

And what about that European Union?  The EU was created in the aftermath of WWII-initially to foster economic cooperation with countries who trade with one another.  The first 6 countries included:  Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.  So what began as a purely economic union has evolved into an organization spanning policy areas, from development aid to environment.  Everything it does is founded on treaties.  No more border controls between countries- people can travel freely throughout most of the continent.  And a significant byproduct is over a half a century of peace in Europe.  

The Rhine, flowing past some of Europe’s most ravishing landscapes, is as much myth as waterway.  Wagner’s maidens frolicked here, George Eliot swooned over its fanciful castles.  Western music was born nearby.

  From the Dutch flat lands to the Swiss Alps-the Rhine runs through the heart of German  culture

Absurdly picturesque German villages- artfully unreal, like an illustration from children’s book about vengeful giants and glittering knights.  The Rhine River is a busy thoroughfare while confining on one hand and immense on another.  Over centuries the river has been exploited, polluted and even redirected- we will do the old switcheroo to the Danube via a canal in a few days.

  Ah but leave it to the Germans to refurb and improve the old dilapidated relics of the Middle Ages to a convincing medieval fantasy.

Adorable hamlets

What scenery... indeed the romantic Rhine.

A procession of boats and lots of barges...busy roads and railroads run along the Rhine.  And why is their a car on top of the wheel house on that barge Bubs?  Ah, the Captains family not only works on the barge but it is also their home.  Huh?  Must be an interesting lifestyle beautiful villages and unending beers.

Bubs enjoys riding up top...a different gig than the ocean cruising we are used to.

We dock in Cologne and Pleep goes monkey nuts....trying to convince his Dad that the Collins Family needs this turbo charged RV.  Leave it to the Germans to design this!

Cologne aka KOLN

Bestriding the Rhine is Germany's media capital.  The city's emblem is its twin-towered cathedral, but although strongly Catholic, Cologne is far from being a pious place; its people are known for their caustic humor and their love of a good time.  Cologne was founded by the Romans.  The vast area forming today's Old town was enclosed by the medieval walls. 

 Before the Gothic cathedral was begun, the faithful had more than 150 places of worship at their disposal.  Then the French occupied- now a member of the French Republic.  Nothing like being a part of Napoleon's Empire....until 1815 when Cologne became part of the Kingdom of Prussia.  The the  Brits occupied it after  WWI.  Then in WWII after 262 AIR RAIDS  by the Western  Allies (almost wiping out the center of the city) the population was reduced by 95%.

The city suffered terrible bomb damage during WWII- including the Cathedral.  But not to worry Mr. Collins, your faithful guides are here- go Spacey Tracey and Okey Dokey Gloria.

Time to get back on the boat in time for cocktail hour...112 or so guests and 35 some staff...hmmm.  Bubba is wondering who will take care of Boca?  She sure will need 5 of them to herself....and Pleep can hardly wait for her to take a shower.  Smaller than a phone booth...this ought to be a sight.

The Treasure is quite nice but a few things need to be "sorted out".  Bubs did not looking at his clam shells for 30 mins and waiting 15 mins for a drink.  Uh oh.

Boca is trying to understand why this "cocktail " table was chosen for their room???  Bubba knocked it over 2x the first day and almost impaled the Pleep.  Did they leave the vacuum for Boca??   Pleep broke out in hysteria.  There seems to be a bit "confusion" amongst some of the newer crew....mainly east Europeans.  Boca is worried they will now understand her Serbian cusses as the internet is beyond slow...could it go any slower before kicking into reverse?