Tuesday, June 24, 2014


The place where the Danube and Regen Rivers come together and the pace of life is leisurely, in spite of 20,000 university students living here.  The city suffered little war time damage enabling it to be declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 2006. Requisite stone bridge, clock tower flanked by high-roofed buildings.

Our faithful guide, Glorija, makes sure we are organized. " Boca, the mouth watering aroma is the Historische Wurstkuche- the sausage!  Be sure to order."

 Bubs ordered the wiener schnitzel.  Uh Oh.  Just like the London pubs with the frozen "fish n chips".   Frozen schntz....that's what ya get for going to a pub for grub bub.  We passed on the famous grilled sausages-best wieners in Germany.  And always a Gothic Cathedral.  The DOM is pure German Gothic.  It was started in 1275 and almost finished in 1634...towers completed in 1869.

Another picturesque German city.  Oh no, more cobble stone streets.  Bub takes to bobbing and weaving ...".shoulda brought your stick rather than hang on my arm!"

Our local guide points out the cement on the corners of the buildings...so the carts don't damage the buildings.  Boca thinks, yeah that's what we need at our hacienda...between Bubs and Pleeps my corners are beat to hell!  Note to self:  get some cement.

Bubba has some fun with fellow passengers playing Paparazzi...oy look out National Enquirer.

He lost Boca.  Figuring she's in some church...a hunting he goes.  Surely she must be in one...the poor fella checks out church after church.  Where in the heck is she!!  "Oops Sorry about that Bubs I just hopped ahead to the Thurn's Schloss.  Stop cussing so loud, you're next to a church!"

How about the famous Schoss Thurn und Taxis?  I remember ol Gloria (yes the princess) from her wild party days.  She out partied Boca by any measure.  This German noble family started the postal svs in Europe in the 16h century, then the many breweries and builders of castles.  The family is one of the wealthiest in Germany.

Prior to marrying her hubby ( she was 20 he was 34 years her senior and a distant cousin) she worked as a waitress in St. Moritz.

 But in the 80's she was know as Princess Punk or Princess  TNT.  This 500 room shloss was party central.  Remember when she barked like a dog on David Letterman?  Gloria majored in exuberant and lavish spending- a real whirling dervish on the international social scene...arrested for hash etc.

But when hubby died (he had 2 unsuccessful heart transplants and died in 1990) the Tax man cometh.  The party is over.  Glo has a transformation back to her Catholic roots and becomes Uber Catholic and friends with the soon to be Pope (he was previously a professor at U of Regansburg).

They say the annual operation  cost is between 5-10 million bucks so She now has opened the schloss to the public and rents out some of it -although the family does use it when they are in town.  Old Glo did a hell of a job restructuring the financial losses (us real estate) and now has the coffers back up to $2 B.....all in son's name.  A most desirable bachelor- ya think?

The family still stays here when they are in town.

Glo had a wicked sense of style...yes it does look like a fried egg.

This place is huge...one hallway and ballroom after another...Boca stop snooping around and keep up with the group.

As Bubs told Harry, "more whacky intermarrying Royalty in Europe."  Ya got that right Bubba.

Ah the end to a perfect schloss visit...hey wait a minitue.  We didn't see you guys on the tour?  You're catching on Boca.  More fun having ice cream sundae's in the garden!

Back on the Ms. Treasures....some of our FAVORITE CREW...

Hail to the captain!  There is a shallow area near Regensberg and the water was dropping so he decided to move the boat down river and have a coach drive us down there post excursion- rather than wait for us to come back to the boat post excursion...bravo and well done Captain.   We clap him to the designated meet up dock.  Some of the other river boats weren't able to make the passage...Viking and Uniworld??  Stuck.  who knew it could be tricky navigating a river???

Gabrille and Zhany- my computer experts.

Ruta, the Lithuanian Energizer Bunny.  Manager of the Dinning room she greats Boca with a smile and a chilled glass of wine...but Ruta it's breakfast.  "That's ok Mrs. Collins.  Mr. Collins needs it."

The front desk aid de camps for Boca...Mina, the most darling Serbian gal.  I tried to fix her up with my son Nicholas...oops she's married to the Captain.  Sorry about that oh Captain my Captain.  Gabrille is the Hotel Manager and is knocking himself out to make sure Boca and Bubba are happy.  And our new front desk trainee....Bubs said I should do my best not to scare her and run her off...Huh?  moi?