Saturday, June 14, 2014


THE CITY OF BIKES: Dutch Bike Culture

The no helmet law....

a bike Harley???

Parking problem...solved.

Park it and have some fun...

There are approx 800,000 plus people living in Amstr and they own 900,000 bicycles.  It is said that the country of  the Netherlands has over 18 million bikes!  They say it is the most very bike friendly city in the world. NOT To Bubba!

 Cyclists do not have their right of way even though it might appear like that...these folks peddle like mad and are crazy!!

This guy has his lock built into his bike...

 WATCH OUT!  Trams have the right of way and some tram drivers make it look like sport harassing the bikers.  How bout them saddle bags?

Bike paths and bike racks abound.  The last census counted over 1 million bikes in Amsterdam.  All socio-economic groups use them to get from point a to point b.  Never mind a gallon of gas is about $11 us bucks and if you can find a parking space it is tres expensive.   Many streets are closed to cars and many are one way.  Bubs said most of the bikes look like something out of the 1950"s.  Surely there must be a science to what looks like bicycle chaos.  And yes they all bike in the snow.

The bikers have their own travel lanes and get a bit cocky- Bubba has other words for them.   The bicycle is Lord of the street here.

How many are stolen each year?  Most have locks- even on the rusty ugly bikes.  I read 80,000.

How many end up in the canals?

How many bike accidents?
900 per year, 15 fatal, 56% injured...hard to believe it is that low.

If bicycles buzzing around you make you nervous then this is not the city for you.  You don't want to become bike sauce.  Can something be charming and scary at the same time?

And how come they keep yelling at us "Rot op uit de weg, klotzak!"  Surely a term of endearment from the locals in that they are so  happy Bubba and Boca are here.


and after a few brewskie's  how do ya find yer bike???

Rent a bike?  Are ya nuts!!


French fries and mayonnaise?  Pleep and Boca in hog heaven as Bubba says "ewwww".

Free books...throw the boxes in the square and let'em have at it.  Shoulda done that with all those damn books we had in Boca.  But no, Boca had me boxing up over 4000 books by subject matter sending here and there ...."oh Bubs, they needed a proper home with the right reader".

Boca still having fits doing using her lame i pad to blog....another visit to an Apple Store.  Hello Mrs. Collins, my colleagues in London called and said you would probably stop in, and again and again....

Why wait for the De Parade festival?  This place must be inspired by the Circus with modern twists.  Each performer has a unique and artsy flavor.  One big carnival all right.  Today was a combination of Mardi Gras and Carnival.  Gangem style.

Bubba breaks out in his happy feet to fit in.

Bubba took his little "buddy" home.

 48 years ago on an R and R stop in Amster on the way to Viet Nam, Bubs and 3 of his buddies imbibed in the local brew and visiting the red lights decided to get matching tattoos.  It's a tattoo of little devil dressed like a soldier complete with helmet and rifle.  Under the figure are the words "Never Again".  A commitment that the military would not be a life long pursuit.  And there it is...Tattoo Peters.

 Yup, I knew your Granddad.

A little history of the world of  Amsterdams finest tattoo artist.......

So long soldier.  Nice to meet you Bubba.

Peter was an infamous Amsterdam Tattoo artist and his lovely granddaughter carries on in the fine tradition.  She asked Bubs if he came back for honey, one was just enough for ol'Bubs.

Coffee Houses are full....BECAUSE I'M HAPPY

As one walks down some of the streets here, one can get high if you if you take a big breath.  Numerous "coffee shops" sell marijuana and hash.  In spite of recent  national drug laws "trying" to restrict the  sale of pot-actually they did outlaw the sale of pot in the Netherlands to tourists but Amsterdam and one other city said hell no.  They fought the legislation and won the right to continue the sale of dope to dopes.  Too much money to be had in the weed business.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the good ol'USA and the states of  Colorado and Washington.

Still there and going strong with its unique marketing technique.  A bustling business for many.  The RLD is a concentration of prostituting sex oriented bushiness.  Officially designated and regulated by the authorities- hello Sailor, new in town?  This network of alleys contains approximately 300 one room "cabins" rented by prostitutes for your convenience and "pleasure".

  There they are, sitting in the windows ready to take your Euros.  Most looked like east european or Asian.  Lots of gawkers staring at the storefront windows.  The scantily clad ladies were perched on stools with phones smashed against their heads or in front of their nose.- texting.  Well, I suppose it is better than texting and driving.  This big tourist attraction started in 1270.  Somethings never change.  What do their Mammas think?