Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Senior Chief Petty Officer US NAVY  and our nephew JASON MCDONALD
Jason works at RAF Molesworth for the US European Command.  Molesworth dates back to 1917.  It's runway and flight line facilities were closed in 1973 and demolished.  New facilities were constructed to support ground launched cruise missile ops in the early 1980's.  It is now a non flying facility under the control of the United States Air Force.  But hey, you said your nephew was in the Navy?  It is also home to Joint Intelligence Operations Center Europe Analytic Center and United States Africa Command Intelligence and Knowledge Directorate Molesworth, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Intelligence Fusion Centre and is garrisoned by the US Air Force 423 Air Base Group.  With all that intelligence goin on must be a bunch of smart folks working there. MOLESworth...quite the fitting name mate.

Jason has spent the last 21 years in the Navy.  He started his boot camp in Great Lakes, Illinois, school (electronic warfare technician) at Corry Station in Pensacola,  Florida.  Then on to the Naval Station in San Diego where he was stationed on board the USS MOUNT VERNON, then to the USS INGERSOLL out of Pearl Harbor.  Then back to Pensacola as an instructor at Corry.

 Next stop, Stuttgart, Germany at Navel Networking and Space Operations Command-Detachment Echo where he also was selected as Naval Network Command Sea Sailor of the Year, 2006.

 Next post back to the USA at US Southern Command in Miami where he promoted to Chief Petty Officer.  Next assignment took him back to San Diego on the USS PELELIU,  where he was promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer, before his final stop here at Molesworth, England.  All of the family is very proud of his accomplishments, achievements and service to his country but my Mother was surely the MOST PROUD of all.  Yia Yia would brag to anyone within earshot about Jason being a Navy man.  And she would have had great chuckle out of Jason's first and only stache....he looks like Papou!!

Jason gave us a tour around the base...quite a low keyed and rather dull setting...hmm.  Must be for   those smart thinkers in the buildings with no windows.  Notice the old bunkers from the cold war era.  Boca did check out their mini 7-11.  She knew she was on a base when the Jerky section took up more space than the household cleaning supplies.  Boca overheard a couple talking about the "Chubb Club".  The what?  Yes, a special "club" for those tipping the scale in the wrong direction.  Bubba suggested that she might come back at the end of the Bubba and Boca European Tour. Livin The Dream Bubs.  No comprende.

  Jason is looking fab and shared his secret- GLUTEN FREE, AUNT PAM....a way of life.  As in no wheat.  Jason is quite the lean body with tons of energy so he can bike-and I'm not talking about his Harley-all over these country roads.  But what about those pints you so enjoy?  Ah, those are included with the tolerance test.  Ha.  Come on Uncle Keith, you can do it.  Oh no, have you seen your Uncle sans chocolate chip cookie?  Not on my tour please. "He'll get used to it quickly...and wait till I make him the dates stuffed with chirizo wrapped in bacon".  Check please.


Jason and his pals participated in the annual Travis Run.


Shortly after the death of 1st Lt. Travis Manion in Iraq on Apr. 29, 2007, the fallen Marine’s mother, Janet Manion, founded the Travis Manion Foundation with a goal of honoring the fallen by challenging the living. Until her death on Apr. 24, 2012, Janet worked tirelessly to help families of other fallen service members, veterans, and active duty troops. The words her son spoke before leaving for his second and final deployment to Iraq – “If Not Me, Then Who...” – inspired Janet every day as she built the Travis Manion Foundation from the ground up. With Travis and Janet’s legacies providing a source of daily inspiration, the Travis Manion Foundation’s staff and volunteers work day and night to assist members of the military community


The Foundation’s Mission is to assist our nation’s veterans and the families of Fallen Heroes. We will continue the service to community and country exemplified by these Fallen Heroes and veterans. In the spirit of the Fallen, we will foster strength of mind and body to create a generation of future leaders.


To inspire and activate everyone with the generous spirit of those who serve.


Passion | Servant Leadership | Integrity | Strive for Excellence | Share their Stories

“If Not Me, Then Who…”

Headquartered in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, the Travis Manion Foundation has built a national reputation for using innovative programs that transform communities through service and how we honor those who serve.
Our team is comprised of Gold Star family members, military veterans – many with combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan – and spouses and family members of service members. The passion and dedication of our staff is evident in the impact we have empowering survivors, veterans, and citizens to take positive action and never forget the sacrifice of those who gave their all for our today.

September 2006
1st Lt. Travis Manion made the ultimate sacrifice in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. He, his fellow Marines, and Iraqi Army counterparts were ambushed while searching a suspected insurgent house. 1st Lt. Manion led the counterattack against the enemy forces. He was fatally wounded by an enemy sniper while aiding and drawing fire away from his wounded comrades. His selfless actions allowed every member of his patrol to survive. For his actions, he was awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star with Valor.

Have you heard about this extraordinary young man?  Bubba is reading the story at the moment,  "Brothers Forever" about Travis and his buddy (one a Marine and one a Navy Seal who graduated together at the Naval Academy).  One is killed in Iraq and 3 years later the other is killed in Afghanistan.  Loonie, the Seal was buried in Arlington while Travis was buried in Pa near his family.  It was determined the two buddies/brothers should be buried together.  So Travis' body was moved to Arlington and buried on top of his buddy Loonie.  Memory Eternal!

This pic was taken at  "Yia Yia's" 89th Birthday party in Chicago.  Here he is with his brothers, as we commonly refer to them, as The J BOYS,- Jamie, Jason, Joey and Jeremy.  So different in many ways but alike in many as well. You are right Jason, Uncle Keith and I have had such an outstanding visit to the UK and up here to St. Ives visiting you- when in the hell are your brothers going to show up??

St. Ives

This is where Jason lives and is affectionately called the unofficial Mayor of St. Ives.  I am sure his platform had something to do with never ending Pub Crawls.  St. Ives is 15 miles north west of Cambridge and 67 miles north of London.  It is built on the banks of the wide River Great Ouse...right his back door.

St Ives has a famous chapel on its bridge.  In the Anglo-Saxon era, St. Ives's position on the river Great Ouse, was strategic as it controlled the last natural crossing point or ford on the river from the sea. The Bridge Church lit up in the eveing.

 During the 18th and 19 centuries,  ST. Ives was a hub of trade and navigation and the town had dozens of inns and many bawdy houses.  Bubba had heard about this and was so looking forward to check out the history....I think most of those bawdy houses are now tea stops or hair salons Bubs.  Sorry about that.

Lots of flooding history here.  Heck even now.  When Jason first arrived here in 2012 he was flooded in...

Jason's back yard....the boat up against back door!

And a view today looking out the window...

Bringing new meaning to "NUMBER 9, NUMBER 9" and Jason's front door.

Come along Uncle Keith, I want you to meet the local lads, just a 3 min walk to my favorite Pub.

and across the now footbridege we go...Queens Swans and all, quite the quaint villege.

 Yep, this is the Bridge Church...if we stroll by it on Sunday we say we're good to go.

Quite the lively hub of shoppes, pubs and coffee lunges along side lots of nail salons and shoe store.

Just across the bridge we noticed how clean the town is and immediately were greeted by this great sign to keep gum off of the streets and sidewalks.  If you like football, stick your gum on the left and if you hate it, to the right.  The practical!

First stop was the Taproom pub where Jason assured us that they always take great care of him.
And I can see why the word tawdry originated in St. Ives...Pleep enjoys the Guinness and the English Birds.

And he doesn't quite get the Cider thing???  Rekordiig, some Swedish drink for the girls.  Per Bubs.

Bubs is soo getting Jason being deemed the  Unofficial Mayor, many pints later with the boys in the hood...and a grand time was had by all.  Matt Setchel, Andrew Clutterbuck and Kieron Joy all enjoyed a few pints with us.

Every time Harry sat down his "shrapnel" (the heavy and seemingly never ending pocket change that quickly collects in your pockets in the UK) kept falling out of his pocket.  Andrew and Jason are counseling him on wearing sweat pants to the pub...and the Pleep comment on the plumbers crack show.