Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DAY 1 MAY 26, 2014 MEMORIAL DAY AND MIA AIRPORT....and we're off.


Arlington National Cemetery has 150 years rooted in the Civil War.  This hallowed ground honors American soldiers from many different wars.  The location for the cemetery just happened to be the former estate of Robert E. Lee- who took command of the Confederate Army when Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861- a bit of poetic justice?  Even soldiers from the American Revolutionary War were reinterred at Arlington after their gravesides were displace by development in Georgetown. Have you been?  Today this cemetery is visited by over 4 million people while it continues as a working cemetery burying roughly 30 per day.

  There are over 400,000 individuals buried here.  

As we honor our Fallen on this Memorial Holiday we pay attention to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and send out heartfelt condolences to our Gold Star Moms and Snowball Express Families for the loss of their loved one.

Two years ago the census said 80% of American men over the age of 80 had served.  Today 13% of Americans overall are Veterans and 7% of those under 24 have served.  And we sleep safe in our beds because of them.....   Today we honor those who lost their lives serving us and many throughout the world.  Yup, "Freedom Isn't Free".

Have you seen the U Tube Young Lizzie did as a fantastic tribute to our Fallen?

Alex, Nick, Chewey, Butterbean and MacKenzie drop us off in Collins style a la Nick's Pick Up Truck.

Miami International Airport- nothing better than to spend your Memorial Day hangout there, praying your suitcases are not being ransacked and relieved of precious items and  while waiting to fly out.
A specialty of the Miami Airport.
Bubs and Pleep had visions of the modern day Brit Air Stew...

The BA lounge offered Boca & Bubba a large variety of options.  Bubba went for the veggies & non-alcohol hydrating options.

  Boca & Pleep stayed true to form and headed straight for the adult beverages.

Pleep readies for some Pimm's.

As Boca convinced him to have that second Jack Daniels and go to sleep.

BOCA enjoyed listening to her alma mater's commencement speech over and over until the stew begged, Mrs. Collins, the rest of the passengers are tiring of you singing THE EYES OF TEXAS ARE UPON YOU. (check out the video below)

After reluctantly agreeing,  "Maleficent of Naples" was ready for some shut eye herself.

Be sure to listen to the Univ of Texas Commencement Address...best one this year my lovelies.  And we all know Boca is all about her alma mater THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS.  Hookem' Horns!

The Best Graduation Speech You’ll See in 2014

Best Moments from the Civil Rights Summit

Fellow alum - University Of Texas